Does Bagging Work on Peaches or Plums?

Interested to know if I can ziplock bag peaches and plums without getting rot. I cut out bottom corners of bag for drainage. Thanks.

I did, but I’m in a dry climate. No matter how tightly you staple the bag, there’s still some air circulation.
Assuming you cut the corners ever so slightly.

I suppose you could go to brown bags or cloth bags, too. There is a good source on the web, for cheap cloth bags, buy I don’t know who that is.

I did it the first time last year on J. Shiro plums. I am in New England. Although it can be hot and humid here in the summer but it is not as much or as long as the mid Atlantic or southern states. I did it the exact same way I bag apples. Plums ripe with issue at all.

If I ever learn how to post pictures, I’d post a picture of my Shiro in bag for you to see. I have not try using plastic zip lock bag on peaches. Not sure if it would work with peaches but I will try a few this year.