Does This Pear Look Familiar?

Does this shape and color pear look like anything you recognize?

Wild guesses are okay. Ripe today zone 7. I suspect it’s a common variety.



@clarkinks Any ideas on possible ID?

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It reminds me of a pear on a poster my daughter gave me. Is this a possible match?'s+triumph+pear&t=lm&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images


Thanks Mark. Never heard of Peckham’s - but will ask my friend (who lost the ID) if that rings a bell.


Can i get a picture of the leaves?

Clark- more photos for you:


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Another slight possibility is leona. Anything tjat gets fireblight would be dead in your climate so im thinking of other options. Leona ripens in the later part of the year Leona Pear

The mother tree this graft came from has never had blight, owned by a friend.

I originally thought it might be Kieffer but it’s a month too early for Kieffer and it is not rock hard.

Can’t be Bartlett as that’s a blight monster. I’ll look up Leona. Thanks Clark

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I considered kieffer it looks like one for sure. Dont rule out bow hunter or even improved kieffer. The problem is there are a lot of pears called kieffer that are not kieffer Kieffer Pear

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I think you just narrowed the search- thank you. It definitely has Kieffer shape. Will check ripe dates for Improved Kieffer and Bow Hunter.

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My improved kieffer ripens in july or August. We ripen things a week or 2 ahead of 2 zone warmer conditions sometimes because of the 100 degree summers we have. Some locations but i doubt yours would just now ripen improved kieffer on the tree. It then takes a month or more inside to turn yellow. The pears will all drop from the tree if not picked on time. Its a delayed fruiting tree. The fruit shape and leaves of improved kieffer can be viewed here Here comes the 2016 apple and Pear harvest!

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Clark- Your photos of Improved Kieffer look just like my mystery pear, thanks. So for now at least I’m calling mine Improved Kieffer. As you note it’s a canner, I agree no great shakes as a fresh eating pear. I don’t can so may graft that branch over.

2021 plan to graft in Korean Giant, Shinseiki, both reported pretty blight resistant.

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