The shipment of food plot trees from Chestnut Hill Nusery arrived at certain Walmarts this week. Chestnut, Mulberry, Crabapple and Persimmon.
They are good size trees. My only problem with Walmart is it is 45 minutes away and I have to drive there to see if they have any for sale. I have tried calling them many times and never get an answer. But I sure would buy trees that size from them
Use this link to see if your Walmart has them now. That’s how I found them.
2 varieties of Mulbs. One is ‘Black Mulberry’ the other is
‘Everbearing Mulberry’ ($23 on their website which is cheaper)
One of the Everbearing trees at my Walmart was in full fruit… very small mulberries that have very little taste.
The Crabapple variety is ‘Southern Crabapple’.
Im curious to see if different Walmarts get different varieties… my local Walmart got 1 Rossy and 1 Morris Burton
My Rural King got 2 Morris Burtons and 2 Nikita’s Gifts.
No Prok and No Yates locally… but they are all available to purchase on their website for $42.95 (which is the same cost as Walmart with tax).
Morris Burton
Nitkitas Gift
Make a note of which one you want it says.
So technically its cheaper to buy on their site than to drive a long way to try to find them…and some states do not even carry some Persimmons etc.
Yes, no persimmons in Ohio. Thanks for the tip!
Your Rural Kings are loaded with them.
Phone numbers on the link that Jerry Provided
My local Rural King got theirs in today… I picked up the Prok that i was missing. One had no tag… the other was a Morris Burton. So only one im missing is Yates which is ok. Looked like a couple dozen chestnut trees, 2 black mulbs and 1 chickasaw plum.
All that i have planted are doing well… no clue if they are true to name… not sure anyone has gotten that far with them.