I am thinking of investing my time and some spare money I dont have in a persimmon orchard. I am zone 6 (Midwest), and have limited options on what to grow. I am interested in small trees, not necessary dwarfs but not 30 to 100ft high trees either. I have read that Nikita’s is small, compared to Rosenyaka. Arent their root stock American Persimmons? Isnt the root stock what determines the tree size, so how come these two cultivars are so different? As much as I would like to experiment, I dont want to invest and loose 3 or more years in an incompatible orchard.
Any advice on what to grow? This is what I have come up with:
Kasandra (couldnt find much data for yield rate or tree growth size, but some people say its high yield)
Matsumoto (J02)
Nikita’s gift.
There have been mentioned some other two new cultivars, but I cant find anything on sale: Sosnivska and Dar Sophievky (sofiyivka ).
A hybrid on American Persimmon rootstock isn’t going to grow to 100 feet tall like the rootstock seedling might on its own un-grafted. Rootstock affects the tree’s size, but it also provides cold hardiness and tolerates different soil conditions. Some cultivars will simply grow larger/faster than others all other things equal. Asian and hybrid persimmon trees simply don’t get as large as the biggest American ones.
Persimmons fruit on the current year’s growth, so you can size control them via pruning and still have the current year’s growth covered in flowers. Just keep them to whatever size is manageable for you (whether on foot or some type of ladder).
This thread may be helpful Persimmon ploidy impact on height .@evilpaul is right, kaki american hybrids or kaki are much smaller but not as cold hardy as pure americans.
There are genetic differences among some wild species here. I know of one type of persimmon here that grows straight up. The entire patch of 30 trees does it. It would be a poor choice for fruit but might be ideal for golf club head lumber. I didnt dig any for my purposes.
Agree 100% on 100-46! Easily one of the very best american persimmons. Huge fruits even on a small tree. Heres some photos I took at England’s Orchard last fall.