Dying seedlings

Anyone know what’s causing my seedlings to turn pale and die? I have them under minimal light in a grow room, but today I put them out thinking it might help. Are these beyond saving?


These need good light and next time when you sow your seeds spread them . You still have time to start seeds again and as soon as seeds germinate they need good light otherwise will be leggy and weak.


They look like they spent their first 2-3 days in a low light condition which caused them to be leggy.


Do you get sunburned? Plants do! When plants sunburn, they turn white. Look up “hardening off” seedlings. This is done by gradually acclimating them to direct sunlight. Young seedlings grown indoors can take about 45 minutes of direct sun before getting burned. Give them 45 minutes the first day, an hour the second, an hour and a half the third and gradually work up until they are getting 6 or more hours of direct sun. It takes about a week to properly harden off seedlings. I have a lot of information on my website that will help. growing tomato seedlings


If you can get a few of those leggy seedlings to survive, and harden them off and beef them up a bit, you can replant them at a greater depth to overcome the legginess. This works well with plants such as tomatoes, which readily throw out new roots along the stem. I’d also start thinning some, down to the strongest couple of plants in each pot; crowding will also induce/worsen this sort of etiolated growth. A few of these look like them might be okay with a little care; I have my doubts about the ones that are completely prostrate though. I’d also start a few backups from seed right now; just make sure they have good light from the beginning.

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Can this be corrected, or are they a loss? I was hoping I didn’t have to redo these seeds.

Thanks, I really messed these guys up! My peppers look much better. I want at least two of each variety. I’ll try my best to strengthen the leggy ones and bury them deeper once they are planted. My season has already started, thankfully tomatoes grow quickly.


Some of these might survive but I would get some more planted or get a few from one of the big box stores.

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Take them all that are alive and bury them all the way up to the leaves.

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