Early red one and Z1 apple variety

Kindly share information about these apple varieties.
Mema gala
Mema mester
Early red one

these varieties are trending now a days in india. kindly elaborate if anyone have info about these.

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Sorry, never heard of any of those in USA. Gala, of course, has become our #1 seller, but the variation you mention have not heard of it.

I do realize India’s apple production is growing commercially, perhaps in individual plots too, and welcome hearing from your perspective.

Where are you located? Does not sound like you are in the US. Please let us know your location.

I’m from India. I believe people from India are allowed in this group


Yes, people from everywhere are allowed. Those are varieties unknown to most of us.


These are just red sports of Red Delicious and Gala from Italy.

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The only information you can find on them is on Italian nursery websites

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Yes, anyone from anywhere is welcome. Fruit growing is climate and location dependent. That’s why we ask where members are located. The info will help us provide more relevant answers.

I believe we have a member or two from India in the past.


I have mema mester and variety of gala now i would be grafting early red one and z 1 if it suits my elevation . Plz can any one tell me about the height required to grow them .

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