Eastern red cedar berries

I was asked recently if red cedar berries were used by natives and the answer is yes. Almost everything was used to be completely honest. The majority of the people who knew these things were killed or died knowing the secrets. The rightful owners of the land were familiar with how to live off of it ofcourse. I was asked if the berries were poisonous and my reply was thats also true but in large quantities. Many things i dont bring up like this unless directly asked but yes you can get yeast from the berries. The berries are themselves edible they were used for mouth soars and other issues. These fruits can be useful. Many years ago i was standing in a random thistle patch that came up eating the rich delicious seeds from the flowers knowing most parts of the plant were edible thinking of how it might have been hundreds of years ago. Yes thistle is a pest and should be destroyed but you can do it in your own way that you choose. Be aware there may be a time like the old times when people are starving while they walk over foods. Jeruselem artichoke, dandelion, polk, lambs quarter, and dock are so abundant and yet people are taught not to eat anything besides foods they buy. Much to my surprise a woman from the east told me they were not allowed to eat mulberries where she was from. My family liked to help people and would want everyone to do better. Its my belief suffering and starvation can be prevented by knowledge. We all live in abundance but how do we harvest our gr eat wealth? Solar panels can be used to store energy we need correct? How many years have i not usef it? Everyday we enjoy the suns warmth but often times not its energy. If we all work together the world can be an enjoyable place for everyone.


I do eat Cedar leaves it is minty just do not eat that many can freshen breath
(the next post I added something about How our cedar can grow so fast)
although They do say Cedar leaves can be used as tea, and helped prevent scurvy
I would eat little bits at a time to see how people react I have before
just if you start to get a stomach ache you know it is your limit ,
not bad for a Nibble here, and there , but never drank the tea myself.
(if I did rather have wild see link since I am not sure if the ones cultivated where traditionally used.)
As for Thistle I like pealing bull thistles, and eating like celery
Used to be on wild man brills (forging site) do not see it on his site now , but Sow thistle is ,
Related to Asparagus

By the way do not pick things By the road in the 70ā€™s Lead was used in gas
I suppose one could cheaply send to a lab for analysis ,
but do not ask me which just know people doā€¦


I like what He says about Epazote
(also to be used as a spice like Juniper not in high quantities )

flagyl excuse me yes itā€™s a vermifuge
yeah thatā€™s the herbal name for things that kill that kill parasites so you put a use this like parsley you put a little bit of it in guacamole in soups itā€™s especially good in beans where it also has an effect called carminative effect someone who did not like opera like and thought that carmen was giving off lots of noxious fumes when she sang and called all herbs that are good for gas and flatulence carminative xā€™ and the name the name stuck may also come from the word to card which is to purify but either way if you put this in some of this in a pot of beans when the beans are boiling and you listen to it to the bubbles boiling you might hear away one caution with this some people should never use epazote it can be very dangerous even fatal for them how ever itā€™s very easy to tell in advance who those people are you can tell if you shouldnā€™t eat use epazote at all by your occupation do not use epazote if youā€™re a lawyer or a politician because it kills parasites

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My own research years ago is what I find interesting is Cedar that grows very fast
(flat cedar Aborvitae etc.) (Thuja plicata x T. standishii)

when someone planted two different types cedar from two different places
, after they hybridized naturally made a super fast growing hybrid
it makes fruit, but is sterile most the time,
but some seeds have been grown so not always sterile
(I lost the link in my notes, but re found it )
(why I am not sure if the Cultivated one is good,
but have not in my personal experience have a worry just taking a morsel to freshen breath here, and there, and for the mint like flavor


The scientists were able to link this mystery giant Thuja to the plant found in 1937 at the Poulsen nursery, and showed that it was indeed a hybrid between two species of Thuja. One parent was the Western Redcedar**, Thuja plicata.** This forest giant can reach 200 feet in height, and grows wild in Oregon, Washington State and British Columbia. It is the source of the lumber called red cedar, which is ideal for garden construction and furniture, since it is naturally resistant to decay and needs no paint or preservatives.

The second parent was the Japanese Arborvitae, Thuja standishii. This plant grows wild high in the mountains of the Japanese Islands of Honshu and Shikoku. It is also cultivated in Japan for its wood, which is aromatic and waterproof, and is used for sake cups and barrels.

T. Occidentallis

Pith of young shoots - cooked[105]. It can be added to soups[177]. Pleasantly sweet, the pith was used as the basis of the soup according to one report[183]. Inner bark - cooked. It is only used in times of emergency or scarcity[213]. The inner bark can be dried and ground into a powder, then used with wheat or other cereals in making bread, biscuits etc. The leafy branchlets are used as a tea substitute[159, 177, 257] but are probably best avoided by pregnant women[165]. An aromatic flavour[183]. Another report says that the foliage and bark are used, the resulting tea is a good source of vitamin C

Iā€™m not optomistic that under the government of man that peace and harmony are ever going to happen. And itā€™s so true thereā€™s a common slogan ā€œto the victor goes the spoilsā€.

I do understand French, English and Dutch explorers exploited the men they found ā€˜nativeā€™ to the ā€˜Americanā€™ continent.

But, one person or one tribe or one nation has been trying to conquer another because they own something the other desires or for jealousy or even for fun or because they canā€¦ever since Cain and Abel there have been arguments and warring with others.

In the bigger scheme of things, the United States and to some extent Canada are exceptions to the ā€˜rules of the jungleā€™. Most nations fight and defeat an enemy, then takes the spoils or keeps the lands they conquered-- but the USA fights, destroys, and then builds the defeated countryā€™s infrastructure back and gives it to themā€¦
Prominent examples include Germany, and lately Iraq.

The natives initially showed kindness to the european strangers. They taught them how to survive on the land. Corn as an example was a crop grown exclusively in America. Americans likely have a guilty conscious after having been saved by natives to then betray those they called friend is about as low as any person can get. Again that was very long ago.

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King Arthur II was killed just above the Falls of the Ohio above Louisville KY something close to 1500 years ago by ā€˜nativesā€™ ā€“ and Welsh language on stones has been unearthed in ā€œIndianā€ burial grounds in Kentucky and Indianaā€¦so the story is older than most that think of the Pilgrims or of Columbus or DeSoto or Champlain even suspect.

But, this is a big crook in the road of the topic of Juniper berriesā€¦which once in awhile I pick a couple and eat.

Yes many believe vikings arrived in the USA first but apparently did not attempt to settle the land. Who knows maybe they met less kind natives. It is important to remember many things like mullein and other plants believed to be native came from Europeans.