Eating apples

At our morning production meeting today one fellow was eating an apple. When he got it down to about where I would throw it away he broke it in half , flipped the seeds out onto his clipboard and ate the core… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:Never saw someone do that before, maybe I have been eating them wrong


Sometimes I eat the whole thing and just spit out the stem!


I eat them with seeds also) And chew on the stem)


I like the bitter-almond taste of the seeds, but not the seed coat

Depends on how good the apple is. If it’s a delicious crisp juicy apple I’ll eat it down to the nub. If it’s a mealy mushy Macintosh I’ll take a few bites in order to get my daily vitamins and then throw it in the creek. Haha

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I cut with a knife, dispose of core, stem, calyx and whatever is or was living therein.


I’m with Murky. I eat at least one apple a day throughout the cold months and am wary of the poison load in the seeds.
Since I act the part of Johnny Appleseed each fall, I keep the seeds and am filling a scrip/shoulder bag with 'em. It will take a few more years to actually fill the bag, but there were enough to give heft to it in just one year.
Opening the core and flipping out seeds is a daily ritual.

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I think the bitter almond flavor is the cyanide. My wife says they lost a hamster when she was young because he ate apple seeds daily, vet told them.


I would say that fellow needed that apple pretty bad! The benefit to growing fruit I guess is we can let 300 apples fall on the ground off one tree and still swim in apples everyday. If we paid $3 for every pound we bought we might chew a core as well! I’m throwing out about 200 apples today we did not get a chance to eat before they passed their prime. I wished we ate them faster but they were just not as good as the pears this year. Maybe you can be nice and teach him to grow fruit so he does not need to do that anymore.

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Yummy cyanide!

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Good point Clark, sounds like you need a pig to fatten with all of that past prime fruit

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I do enough stuff that is bad for me without eating cyanide, lol

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I’ll never forget watching my German grandfather eat a pear. We were visiting his house in central Germany where he grew apples, pears and currants (and a massive garden). He ate the pear from the bottom, up- seeds and all. When he finished the only thing left was the stem. I said something to my Mom (his daughter), and she said he’d experienced terrible hunger during the war and he ate all of pretty much everything. He lived to a ripe old age. He grew and ate LOTS of fruit. I found out later that he grew Cox Orange Pippin, and was a master of grafting and pruning.


My son did that when he was a toddler.

I knew a man of Iranian descent that did it too.

The seeds have cyanide in them!

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I’ve been known to do the same thing. If I’m hungry and they’re good, I’ll eat 'em all (and the stems are strangely pleasant to nibble on.

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I ate one really small yesterday but I couldn’t bring myself to eat the core, lol.