Edible Hawthorns?

I have been growing hawthorns here for a few years. The varieties I grow taste good, they are different, and they are medicinal. Are there hawthorns growing in your yard, or wild near you? I have one that I got from GRIN, two that I found and grafted from someone’s tree. One is called the Carriere hawthorn. Another one I don’t know the name of. The one from GRIN is the tejocote from Mexico. It is quite common there. Hawthorns grow wild here. If you don’t pay attention, birds will plant them in your yard. I can get other hawthorns to exchange, too. I have grafted pears onto hawthorns as well.

I have read from a few places, including this list, that there are some good tasting hawthorns out there. I was hoping that we could set up some kind of scion exchange. I can get douglasii because it’s native here. I have gathered some info over the years, some of it here. If you have any of these varieties, I would love to hear your opinion and if you are interested in sharing some scions.
John S



Thanks for the clarification, Louis. I think I made it so that others can see it now. I’m better at growing fruit than at using computers:)
John S