Last year I had one enterprise and it was good. The apple I tasted today was a very good high quality apple to my taste. Sweet with a complex flavor that I enjoyed. Ate all but the seed and wanted more. Thanks @mrsg47.
That apple and some of Mam’s make me miss my RI orchard. I always thought it was really good tasting too. I would peel them. Pretty red color too! Geeze, looks just like mine did!
I had my first ripe one today also and agree! Very crisp with a spritely flavor. Excelent, but thinning can be a bit challenging.
They make good baked apples
I planted an Enterprise early this spring. I hoping that it tastes as good as its supporters experience and the tree is as problem free as even its skeptics have seen.
Are you keeping some in the cold for a while to look for improvement? I think you could see some improvement…but just curious if you’ll try that. I thought I saw an improvement last year, but I had all sorts of varieties (and unlabeled on top of that!) jumbled up in my mind when we were taking apples out later.
I only had two apples and I ate the last one this morning. It was also very good.
Well darn. Try again next year Hopefully I don’t get frozen out. I’m looking forward to trying them again.