'Eureka' Persimmon?

Hello, has anyone tried the Eureka Persimmon? I’ve read mixed reviews online but I’d really like to try growing it if it’s good.

These photos are from my tree…5th leaf for me…third year to bear fruit. Largest fruit weighed 300 gms. Great flavor.


Looks like there’s more fruit than tree on this thing. Very impressive yields Katy.


Every year I think it will have less… judging on fruit drop and just visual evaluation. However it continues to up the ante every year. Was close to 200 fruits this year and might have been over. The picture with the bag on the ground was actually the third picking. I don’t know what this cold weather we’ve just had is going to do to it but it’s a fantastically productive tree!


My tree lasted 15 yrs before our erratic weather took it out. We’ve had some brutal freezes. Three yrs in a row the first fall freezes were in the teens. But I like the fruit a lot both fresh and dried. I’ve planted another one.


Eureka does great for me in Dallas


Great review k8t! I didn’t realize Eurekas could be so deeply ribbed, and they do have seeds right? Basically I’m on ad adventure to find the name of this one particular tree I ate from years ago, and I thought it could be Eureka, but looking at the ribs on yours it can’t be. If Eureka has seeds I still want to try it though.


Eurekas can have seeds. Mine hasn’t but it is in their history that they can pollinate.

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My Eureka fruit looks just like Katy’s, although not quite as large. No seeds in mine. I’m not getting as much production as Katy yet but looking forward to it in future years and hoping to graft a couple more trees this year. Fruits dropped the first couple of years. They keep very late on the tree and here nothing bothers them. All the family got dried Eureka persimmons for Christmas this year and everyone loved them.


A few yrs Eureka has had male flowers for me. But mostly seedless fruit. And if you watch closely the males can be removed prior to pollination.


Alrighty, well I’m going to give Eurekas a try but I’ll make another thread to see if anyone knows about the mystery Persimmon. Thanks everyone.
