European Hornet eating asian pear

I didn’t think the hornets would be such a big problem. Until I see atleat 6 of my best fruit being destroy. I use a racket and a cissor to kill them. I feel like I am dangerously living on the edge though.
I basically try to pin them down and cut them with a pair cissors. If they take off and decided to kill me. We will do one of those sword dance you may find in Crunching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Until the hornet die or I die. So far I have been coming out victorious. One of them bummed me on the head but my goofy puff of hair shielded me from the stinger. If you figured out a more efficient way please for my life sake do share. Here is a few pictures of the event.


Get or make some hornet traps! Its not hard to trap them. Bait with fruit juice, some people say throw in a bit of meat. I have one in my asian pears now, I probably need to put up one more in the peaches.


I’ve seen video of those things. They make our American hornets look like little fluffy kittens!

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They hit my pears hard, well they were before the squirrels striped them. I actually believe they are the european hornets from your picture but I am not certain


Around here in Metro Vancouver i can but those bug zappers shaped like a short racket that’s battery powered. Works great cause if the hornet, mosquito or fly even touched it slightly it’ll be zapped and either dead or helpless. I’m sure you can find those around in dollar stores, Asian markets or online.



I use the same bug zapper that UrbanAggie does. My Mom bought it at a “Dollar Store.”
