Experience with Red Fleshed Apples

My ‘Red Devil’ graft is 4 years old and hasn’t done much. I did cut and start another graft on B-9, so maybe one of these days I’ll get to try one. Sounds delicious.


They are great! They are small, but my tree is small so i think they will grow biger with time. The flavour is much better this year and the flesh is more red too.


Hey everyone I love this thread. This year I started a small orchard for my family, and have planted quite a few red fleshed varieties, with more ordered for next year. I have planted this spring redlove odysso,redlove serina,Irene,mountain rose,pink delight,pink pairmain,pink old lady/pink princess,firecracker,motts pink, redfeild, and 9 none redfleshed ones. I have winekist,pink sparkle,niedwetzkyana,red devil,pink pearl, and almata coming for next year plus I plan on adding more when I can order some scions.


Sounds like you have the ‘bug’. Red flesh can be attention getting. I’m hoping to get some improved varieties by making crosses…but it all takes lots of time. My first hand pollinated intentional cross…the seeds sprouted in the fridge and ruined a year and a half ago…and I’ve not made a lot of progress since either.
The Redlove’s have been disappointing…my Odysso is still not ripe, so maybe (hopefully) I’ll get to sample it soon and the squirrels don’t get it first. (Odysso appears to be resistant/free of scab and probably CAR as my trees are clean in appearance.) They all look lovely in bloom!


I definitely have the “bug” lol. I’m hoping to eventually make some crosses as well. My sons are looking forward to helping and making one with their names they pick out for them. They help me out in the orchard and one day will hopefully tell their own kids how they helped and planted them.


just put in a Odysso this spring and looking for another red variety to plant near it. liking the color of the leaves. do you know whats a good pollinator for it?



Texture reminded me of McIntosh. Should have taste better had they not split due to excessive rain.


Odysso is not quite as early as Veralma Simontornya, Redfield or Niedzwetzkyana in the blooming timeline.
I’d think many crab apples could polinate it, and many early blooming ‘regular’ apples. Even Granny Smith overlaps it, as does Y.Delicious and Gala. Cornish Aromatic is one I have that blooms at the same time. {In fact, I’m hoping Odysso and C.A. can ‘do the deed’ and have kids for me.}

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We had Discovery blossoms this year, but no fruit. Wait’ll next year.

They suffered serious cracking.

Hope we won’t have this much rain next year.

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Yipes. Some of our pears suffered severe cracking, no so much with our apples.

i have a sargents crab 10 yds away with several early varieties grafted on it. hopefully that does the trick.

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I bet that makes for a conversation piece! Sargent multi-graft.

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its a cute little tree at 7ft . i think its going to weep under fruit load. all branches are at 90 deg angles to the trunk so should handle a reasonable load. it was a freebie from Arbor day that came with my hybrid hazels 4 years ago. have it growing near my tub well. there isnt any crab left to it as i grafted over every branch. should fruit next season at least some varieties.

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The thing 'bout those Sargeant crabs…they are grafted on a “standard”. Grafted up in the air rather than near the ground.
(Not sure about the Arbor day ones, though.)

Sargeant is droopy…that’s the look it is supposed to be.

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these are seedlings on own roots so supposed to stay small. i just hope it can take the load of full sized apples. it has great branch structure so i think it will do fine for a moderate crop.

Should be a fun experiment at the least.

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Has this apple performed good since the post of this picture.?
Attractive apple.

I’m not going to detail all my intended crossings; but if you plan for nature to make crosses, be sure to have apple trees that have good qualities (and bloom at the same time) to pollinate your red fleshed, and vice-versa.

And, of course, you can collect pollen and dust some blooms yourself at a later date if the other variety doesn’t bloom at the same time. (There are videos available to observe…for instance, Skillcult has some on Youtube.)


This year I got to taste 3 Redlove apple varieties. Calypso (first picture) was the most tasty one, very little acidity and pretty sweet for a red fleshed apple. Redlove Circe (2nd photo) is so-so, the part that got touched by the sun is pretty sweet, the other part not so. Redlove Era (3rd photo) wasn’t quite ripe, didn’t taste any sweetness yet, still have one Era on the tree, and I will let that 1-2 werks more.

I also have a Discovery clone, that doesn’t have any red inside.

Hopefully, the next year I got to taste Syrena, Odysso, Simontornyai Veralma and Baya Marisa.

Actively looking for Hidden Rose, Pink Pearl, Niedzwietzkyana.