Experience with Red Fleshed Apples

Same apple I’m told. (The resource ‘pomiferous.com’ confirms.)

I don’t have it in my collection.

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Yes they are same… i have it but it’s a small tree. I have to wait some years. :+1:

JeNel, if if you are still looking for Pink Pearl I have a few scions. PM me if you are interested. ZF


Chinese-bred red fleshed apples… native red fleshed x FUJI:

Xinphong, Fuhong, Meihong, Manhong.
First to be released according to a Chinese website will be
“Sweet Meihong” in stores in China in maybe 3 years.


Skillcult’s “Black Strawberry” sounds more appealing than these Chinese first experiments into red fleshed breeding. (I’ll have to see if I can get a piece of scion of that one.)


If I had a tree ripened Cierce and the acidity mellowed like a winesap might after a month in storage…I’d try growing it again.

But, Odysso is supposed to be the sweetest of the lot (Lubera) and the first fruit didn’t impress. But I’ll give it a better test next year as I have more than one tree that should bear.

Lovely pictures of Cierce you posted.


I’m really hoping to stumble across a stick of black strawberry. Saw someone selling it on Facebook for 15 dollars! I’d rather wait till the annual ebay auctions from @SkillCult at those prices.


I could also just as well use some pollen from it!


I tried red calypso this year and decided that was one I’d pick up for sure v


I was talking to a customer who produces cider. He told me to have 2 varieties for the red flesh cider.
It is varieties under number. The problem with cider is that the red coloring wears off when stored in the bottle. They were forced to take specific varieties for the cider which retains the red coloring.
I will recover these 2 varieties soon.


That flesh is some redder than mine…but the pattern, and the skin color look the same.

Should have a couple new ones fruit in '22.

I need to add Primasenzentsum to my collection! :grinning:

Hi! Why you say so?

Strong growing apple tree. The fruit is small, red when ripe. The apple is soft, sweet. The flesh is red marbled with white.

Sweet is rare among red fleshed apples.
(Partly the reason I have a breeding project ongoing).

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Ok, but my last odysso apples were soo sweet with zero acidity… really really good apples and crunchy! :yum:

I’ll try again next year. But, my first assessment of Odysso disappointed.

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From the first year to the second they improve a lot! Even in size…

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I have 4 trees of it that should bloom next year. So I’ll find out.



What state park is this located in? I live in Central PA and would love to get some scion myself if possible. :blush: