Fall Gold Raspberry Color

For anyone who has grown or currently grows the Fall Gold raspberry variety, is the color of the fruit a pale yellow or orange? All the photos online show it as an orange color. I planted a Fall Gold bare root plant this spring from DeGroot at Tractor Supply and the foliage is very similar to Anne and the fruit is a pale yellow color, not the orange color expected. The fruit just started ripening. It’s generally sweet but not much depth to the flavor. Is this actually Fall Gold?

The easiest way to tell fall gold is it’s super crumbly. They range from yellow to orange based on how ripe they are and are not big. Anne is not crumbly, yellow, and pretty good size.

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I haven’t noticed it being any more crumbly than my other raspberry varieties.

There are more than just those two yellows. When I ordered Fall Gold most of the order was them with some Anne mixed in. Getting a mislabeled variety is pretty common everywhere. Fall Gold is the most crumbly raspberry out there, so it’s most likely something else.

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Sigh. Hopefully Indiana Berry has them for the 2025 season. Haven’t had any issues receiving the wrong variety from them.

They turn more orange right before they fall off. I usually pick them before they are orange because they are soft an crumbly once they are orange. They taste pretty good when they are a rich yellow and I can still freeze them. If they go orange I just pop them in my mouth, because they are too soft. They are just finishing their summer crop in northern Wisconsin, I’ll get another crop in a few months which will ripen before it freezes.

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It should’ve been called “Fall Crumbs” then :rofl: :melting_face:

Fall gold can be a lot more amber if you let it ripen all the way, Anne berries are larger


@manyasfigs25 Thank you for the photo of what the fruit looks like.

I took a couple photos this evening. Anne is on the left and Unknown yellow raspberry is on the right.

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Dark Orange if you have true to name Fall Gold.


Also, Anne has much longer canes, fall gold is a shorter more well behaved bush. Anne has long canes that want to arch and needs more support.

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Are they worth it? I’m contemplating getting some fall gold

Yes, fall gold has one of the best flavors.


How does it compare to Anne?

I haven’t had Anne long enough to say for sure, but Fall Gold has much stronger more complex sweetness right now. Anne is first year for me, and Fall Gold is in its third season.

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Anne is a bigger better fruit, but I like the taste of Fall Gold better.


Yeppers, It’s a fantastic flavor.

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I got one!

I had both last year but i lost the tags and one died out. I’m guessing it was fall gold that died because Ann was big, never got orange and was always tart with no sweetness

ya- my fall golds are sweet before fully ripe.