@hambone… I have this printout that I am sure came from a PDF that someone linked on this board… but at this point all I have is the print out… it list lots of blackberry varieties in groups… by type…
In the Erect and Semi Erect groups (cultivars) most listed are thorn less, but a few have thorns…
The list is from a few years back… does not include Ponca… but does include Ouachita, Osage
It describes the fruit, yield, plant and gives each a flavor rating for each
Natches - fair flavor
Ouachita - fair flavor
Osage - fair flavor
Apache - fair flavor
Illini - tends to be bitter
Navaho - good flavor — notice Navaho is the only Erect in that list they give a good flavor rating to.
Semi Erect
Loch Ness - fair flavor
Hull Thornless - fair flavor
Tripple Crown - good flavor — and only TC gets good flavor rating in this group.
Doyle’s Thornless - fair flavor
Black Satin - fair flavor
Chester Thornless - fair flavor
But in the Trailing blackberry cultivars… on all of these they state - Excellent Flavor
including… Obsidian, Metolius, Sillvan, Cascade, Olallie
Columbi Star gets a rating of Outstanding Flavor
Black Diamond gets - good flavor
Obsidian, Metolius, Silvan, Cascade and Olallie are described as either Vigorous Thorny, or Very Vigorous Thorny… and all get the Excellent Flavor rating.
Black Diamond - the only one described as “good flavor” is Vigorous ThornLESS
Getting rid of the thorns… reduced the flavor ?
But then…
Columbia Star - Very vigorous, ThornLESS… outstanding flavor.
Sounds like they are making progress there…
Obsidian is the earliest ripening blackberry in their Trailing Blackberry group… and I expect it would ripen in June for me (before SWD kicks in here). I am going to have to try one or two of those.
I may try some of the Columbia types too… Star, Giant, Sunrise…