Some Feijoa - pineapple guava grafting this morning.
Not sure if anyone noticed but I use to do all my grafts high on the rootstock. This year after the February freeze when I lost all in ground feijoas and loquats I changed my technique. I am grafting all my Feijoas and loquats close to the base of the rootstock so I can eventually get the graft union underground and long term hope the scion will develop roots just in case we ever have another abnormal freeze.Uploading: B72D6C86-99D0-4CF7-A259-20E496CC4AAC.jpeg… Uploading: 15AC13C4-A615-4C06-B758-F1862CBFB47E.jpeg… Uploading: D5605ACA-C4C7-4288-B60A-8E85BBF790AE.jpeg… Uploading: 3C9A3A67-AA55-436A-BD0B-45AFE6292209.jpeg… Uploading: 93917371-2246-4E11-B661-1C2B1B4BD57C.jpeg… Uploading: A194428D-5945-4B18-8697-22A74D0C54BD.jpeg… Uploading: 3625449E-F5BA-4281-97F4-076B852298BE.jpeg… Uploading: F177C87B-E89D-4B5B-90E8-DCDF2BF01BB6.jpeg…