Few pictures from my backyard orchard today 4/12

I was out thinning and pruning back some of the long whippy growth on some of my trees and thought I’d snap a few pictures. Some of the more mature trees had over 2ft of new growth, I try not to let the trees get any taller than 8ft. For the most part my orchard is doing great, there have been a couple of failures though. A couple of apricot/apriums fizzled out and died. It seems like every year I lose a 'cot, for some reason they just don’t do very well here…On to the pics

Newly planted Candy Heart Pluerry has almost a foot of new growth

3 year in the ground Sweet Treat Pluerry pruned back to 7ft, Burgundy is to the right, it was lopsided and had aphid damage and was cut back severely to a little over 4ft. both trees were planted the same day, same caliper, same rootstock.

6 1/2 year in the ground Flavor Supreme Pluot pruned back to 7 1/2ft

Flavor Supremes!! about cherry size, the tree is loaded even though I probably spent less than 5 min hand pollinating

Newly planted Summer Delight aprium leafing out nicely

6 year in the ground Lapins Cherry 8ft tall

4 year in the ground Flavor King pluot pruned to 8ft- off my back deck

4 year in the ground Dapple Dandy pluot pruned to 8ft- off my back deck

A few pics trying to get the whole orchard/ mini forest 50’x100’


Beautiful. How do you like Burgundy plum?

Wonderful pics, both these and the one on your member page! It looks so cool and relaxing there.

For me Burgundy is just average, maybe a little above. If it wasn’t recommended as a pollinizer for so many other plums and pluots, I probably wouldn’t have bought it.

Is it on Colt?

I’m not sure what rootstock it’s on but it is vigorous. If I never pruned it, it would up to the power lines by now. It was one of the first trees I planted when I first started my orchard, Back then I knew nothing about rootstocks or anything about fruit trees for that matter :grinning: I figured I’d plant just a few and let them get big, then I found out about backyard orchard culture. Now here I am 6+ years and almost 100 trees later :smiley:

hahaha, very similar to my progression. Thankfully, I left the tags on! :smile:

I’m wondering if it isn’t the wet winters that kill apricots. Alan in NY, according to my understanding, reports apricots dying for no apparent reason in spring. In TX and NM it’s dry in winter and apricots are almost bullet proof.

It has been really wet this year. I lost a Blenheim and a flavor delight aprium. Flavorella plumcot and leahcot aprium are barely hanging on. Bella Gold was looking bad but looks like it will make it. They all had nice big blooms, it make no sense to me, On the other hand, Summer Delight, Cot-n-candy aprium, spring satin, plum parfait plumcot and an unknown apricot I grafted are all going strong.