@hoosierbanana, @SMC_zone6, et al,
For a few weeks now,I’ve noticed this on several leaves of Smith. The issue seems to spread. Notice it onon this variety only.
Could you please tell me what fig leave issue I am dealing with.
.@hoosierbanana, @SMC_zone6, et al,
For a few weeks now,I’ve noticed this on several leaves of Smith. The issue seems to spread. Notice it onon this variety only.
Could you please tell me what fig leave issue I am dealing with.
.That does look like the problem I’m having on Adriatic JH and Negretta. I’m still not sure what it is though, mine does not seem to spread, an AJH in the orchard is crowding out a VdB type (I’d have to get out the planting map to know which variety it is) and the branches are intermingled but there’s none of the spots on the VdB. So it has to be a physiological problem I think. Mine is much worse than that on some plants though.
Water stress can look similar, has it wilted at all?
When I said it spread, I meant spreading through out the same tree. At first I saw such symptoms on a few leaves but by now, several leaves look like that.
This symptom is only on Smith. These are all potted figs. Other figs nearby show no signs. The leaves are not wilted. Don’t think it was water deficit.
No, I havemt. Looks like rust fo me
@JesseS. Thank you. I think you are correct. I googled Fig Rust and our own GF’s thread Dealing with fig leaf rust - #22 by Seedy showed upwith good info.
@speedster1 - thanks for creating that thread and thanks the contributors for their responses.
The weirdest thing is, so far, it affects only Smith. The pot is lined up next to all other potted figs. I will move it to a new area. Hopefully, removing leaves will work.
With FMV and rust, figs are not as problem-free trees of choice as I first thought.
Some varieties are more prone to it than others. Just dispose of the leaves so they dont reinfect.
Do you see anything like these raised structures on the undersides of the leaves?
I’ve actually only had rust a few times, it spread very quickly.
I brought some fig plants here from the south one year, (Ga.)
( iam in zone 6)
Brought rust with them.
Defoliate all my Figs by late summer. That year.
Was very concerned . The next year , and since… No rust.
Does not appear to survive this far north.
Ones I bring in for the winter, in pots, I let stay out side until a good hard freeze, don’t bring any leafs inside.
At least that has been my observation .
Comments from others appritiated …
I am in an even colder area than yours but fig rust found my tree (potted). I think Jesse is right. Some varieties are more susceptible than others.
@hoosierbanana - I’ll check those leaves more carefully when I go home today.
We have wet spring and long stretch of warm summer (above average of total warm days in July and Aug). We are in the cycle of raining every 4-5 days now. I hope the issue only confines to Smith.
Same experience with rust as @Hillbillyhort . Only saw it one year then it was gone. FMV I definitely have but only see symptoms in very young plants or if the plant has poor overall health. I’m seeing leaves that are shaded out or towards the bottom of the trees yellow and then drop around this time of the year but I’m certain that’s normal.
You should see how horrible my tomato plants look right now even thought they are still producing tomatoes like crazy.
Very interested in this topic. I have one very young potted Black Mission that suffers with this . As stated earlier, the bottom leaves get it first and then it progresses upward. My tree has mostly dropped all but 7 leaves. More grow to replace the dropped ones but plant growth is minimal. I decided to move it out of 5 gallon bucket into the ground. Will see if it does better.