Fig seedling discoveries

Have any to share?

Peter Shaw spotted this volunteer while visiting yesterday. My guess is it’s from bird or rodent poop last year. There are other fig trees the neighborhood so parentage is entirely unknown.

Today I removed the gravel around it and discovered it is two figlings! As suspected, their roots were getting dry so I potted them up in Pro Mix #5.


Well no volunteers here but I do have 7 seedlings growing. One is from an unknown cross from seeds I got from Blue Malibu. And six are from Eric who made the cross Paradiso x UCR 271-1.
Two have breba and some are producing figlets. Hoping for a common and a male too. I’m not there much in the summer as I live at my cottage this time of year. I go in once a week to check on things. No recent photos. Plants are 3 to 5 feet tall right now. I should know what I got this year or next.


How old are they now? I started some seedlings from dried smyrna figs (from Turkey), just as a curiosity since there’s virtually zero chance they are common. Here’s one of those that is about 6 months old:

They will probably just end up in the compost since I’m not sure what I’d do with it otherwise, but I was amazed how easy they were to start. I wasn’t sure if the drying and preserving process would have rendered them non-viable, but no problems there.

One is 4th leaf and the others are 3rd. I was neglectful in uppotting else they would be even bigger.

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I took some photos. I was home for 24 hours. Back on the rock (Russell Island) now.
It seems to me seedlings :seedling: are skinny and need time to fill out. I also know some fig viruses can be in seeds. And I have noticed mosaic mottled spots on the bluemalibou seedling. Possible it was infected from mites but I do treat for mites. Well nothing is perfect unfortunately.

It has one breba but no other figs so far

Here is seedling number 6

Seedling number two. It needs uppotting badly.

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I think they’re going to make it!

Here’s a seedling in my yard that I just recently discovered under my Bearss lime tree. I was doing some weeding and pruning in and under the tree when I noticed a strange looking weed. It’s still very tiny, those tubes are 1/4" microtubing. At the end of the year I’ll dig it up and pot it up.