Im trying to root a fig cutting following many of the online tutorials found on the net. I cut an 8 inch piece and wrapped the bottom 6 inches in a damp paper towel and sealed in a zip top bag. I stored the bag outside of direct sunlight and around 70 degrees. I opened the bag every 24-48 hours to air things out. my plan was to wait for roots and them plant in a clear plastic cup full of perlite.
But here is what I’m seeing. There are no roots visable after 2 weeks. There are however small raised white texturing the size of course sand on bottom of the cutting. Not sure if these are the beginnings of roots or not. But what’s more concerning is that the buds on the cutting are beginning to swell and pop out. Should I remove the buds or just let them open? Am I like to still get roots after the buds pop? What should I do to this cutting to get it to successfully root?
Hers are the small white bumps
Here is the beginning bud