Figs, figs, everywhere!

Thanks for doing the game, Phil. I can think of a whole lot of kinds that it’s not. For instance, way too small to be Black Madeira.

Anyone who likes the idea of your game or your offer should give you a Like, whether they play or not. :slight_smile:

Thanks, but don’t go to much by the pic, not a real good clue. this fig was a drop way before ripe. the pic was initially just a attempt at humor, but it grew into the game A better clue is that it is highly desired and somewhat a Diva, but since you bring up Black Maderia, my lifetime best tasting to this point here is a couple pics from last year. I would not grow it above some others as she can be a Diva herself.


The only think I’m sure it is is a dark fruited ficus carica.

In case you didn’t recognize it, I borrowed that play from your playbook. :smile:

How about vernino? AKA Pasquale

Galacia Negra?

I’m gonna go with black ischia as my first real guess.

This larger pics you last posted were your black madeira, right?

vernino=nope galacia negra=nope black madeira= nope, but yes that reply was BM pics…

BUT black ischia is close enough, it is Ischia Black Here was what I was going to post with some good clues See the FMV, See the Red eye, red bud, the leaf stem is not showing red presently but pretty sure it did earlier


Wow! You made my day! I’ve said I didn’t know much about figs except for the few very easy to find kinds that I grow. I even reversed the name on that one. :smile: Guessing it from the earlier clues was dumb luck on my part, mixed with spending more time than I should have researching and narrowing possibilities. My only regret is that the game ended. I can only remember winning one other prize when playing a game - a lollipop from playing BINGO in high school Spanish class. This prize is BETTER! Thanks! I think I’ll go drink some coconut water to celebrate.

BTW, my next guess was going to be 42. Anyone who doesn’t know why that is the ultimate answer can google it.

Congratulations I had not really given much to go on yet, but think that later pic would have gotten the answer. I have yet to taste Ischia Black, It has been very slow to grow. It set some figs last year for 1st time last and they dropped, looking like they might hold this year, that mini fig was as large as it got prior to dropping last year. The tree has shown some growth this year, so maybe like some other starting to outgrow FMV. I will make note and likely remember come fall, but if I don’t remind me. If you are looking for something in particular let me know. I don’t have many or any of the ultra expensive/rare ones but I have some nice figs. I probably would not have this one, but I was lucky enough to receive a cutting from ARS USDA Davis several years ago. From what others have posted the Mother tree there is in very poor shape. I wish I could send you Ischia Black itself, and maybe someday I can, but I am not committing that fig to anyone else until I am able to deliver to some folks I stated I would. This is the 1st year I might manage a airlayer this time last year it was maybe 6 inches and looking back at my records thinking 6 years old.

I understand the 42 answer life, the universe and everything


Knowing as little as I do, the less information there was, the better my chances against those who are more familiar with them.

As far as I’m concerned, “good” aces “rare” or “expensive” I’ll get back to you later. Thank you for the fun!

I have a fig forming on my Ronde de Bordeaux. This was donated to me by Drew. Thanks @Drew51!

The plant appears to have the Fig Mosaic Virus, and is one of the weakest growers in my collection, and yet it’s the first to fruit.

I wonder if this will ripen in time. Perhaps in 70 days… in early October? Such a thing may be possible here.

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RdB is the strongest grower I’ve got. Your RdB must be severely infected.

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Mine has figs too, I got it from a guy in CA off the fig forums. I’m pretty sure it’s RdB. It has it’s moments where it grows well, mine is quite big, at almost 3 feet 1st leaf. Just give it some time, it will be fine. AFAIK all RdB’s have FMV. When the plant is stressed the virus can set it back. You just need to keep it healthy and it will respond.
I have a Valle Negra that does not do well under stress. I keep finding the leaves drooping. It’s a water hog! I need to put it in an oversized pot so it stays moist longer.

My RdB. In the ground 3rd season. No figs 1st or 2nd year, so this spring I pinched off all the apical buds. Now, absolutely full of figs. Probably 100 or more. It’s about 15-20’ tall. Will have to prune it back this year pretty significantly to bring it down to “pickable” height. It decided to really take off this year.


I’m sure you’ll find takers for your trimmings!
RDB has been one of the most vigorous in my yard, one grew 6 feet in a year. I see a few figs on my 2nd yr plants that I hope will ripen in time. The foliage is quite ornamental, with those long fingered leaves. One of my fig gurus put three rdbs in his top five favorite figs!
It has great flavor, productivity, and most importantly to those in short season locations, early ripening.

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Speaking of RdB, picked these 2 last night. Plant got a head start, main crop isn’t normally this early. Jammy and thick.

@Drew51. My RdB is healthy, no FMV. Perhaps since it’s from CA it got infected. Mine is only a couple steps removed from Bass’s original.


Nice ones, Kelby. Your first maincrop figs? When did the plant get started?

Mid march, I think.

Awesome, I’ll need cuttings at some point if you can. One for sure we all need.

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Almost Eden owes me a fig tree and I decided to try Olympian, as recently talk of it’s good taste, and cold hardiness came up.