Figs, figs, everywhere!

Also Richard, you seem to have glossed over a very important part of the Forbid 4f label.

“WHERE TO APPLY: To shrubs, trees (including non-bearing fruit and nut trees), flowers and foliage plants in outdoor landscapes.”

I’ve mentioned that several times before, have you read up on the topic?

Treating new plants and cuttings prophylactically while quarantined away from the others is the best practice to avoid fig bud mites in the first place. If all sellers did that (with a known effective miticide), there wouldn’t be a problem in the first place. But because of the controversy and misinformation, they have plenty of excuses to choose from, and not much risk to their businesses since people who get stuck with the problem are more likely to just leave forums rather than contradict a unified front of sellers. It is a real shame, so much valuable experience lost from legitimate growers.


It sounds like you have it! Out of curiosity, in general where do you live? I’m in SD and so have experienced some of the problems that you are facing. I haven’t been growing fruit trees for more than 5-ish years and only recently has my collection expanded, so I do not have the collection you probably have amassed so far and very few of the larger pots.


St. Rita sure is productive. Figlet at every node. It’s exactly 4 month from cutting.


I am about 30 miles east of Los Angeles. Some of the trees we have are no longer available because there are better varieties. The Garnsey figs only look good for a day or two after picking so you have to give them to someone in that time frame. Picked unripe they don’t ripen well on the counter, just wilting, so you don’t see them sold even at the farmer market. If the white Suebelle sapote fruits drop on the ground when ripe they turn bitter, so I have to bag them individually and collect when I see them in the bag. They taste very good though. The green varieties don’t have that problem. We used to go to the Cal Poly campus in early December and collected the good ones on the ground. They are of ping pong ball size, and I sometimes see them at the farmer market with no specific name.
The trees fare better in the larger pots. More water retained I guess. I usually wait until the trees in 5 gallon pots are on clearance in Sept/Oct. They will be one year older than buying bare root, and they don’t suffer the hot summer heat in my area. They have better chance of fruiting the following season.


Sorry, I will not be doing any rooting of the cuttings or air layering for the fig tree.
Thank you for your help and interest.

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My 2nd ripening fig, Ronde de Bordeaux. Even a bit too much watering, they tasted sweeter than I expected.

After several weeks of being in a stagnant stage, the ripening ones have ballooned up so big in a very short time.


This variety can dry on the tree. I bag mine to protect them from birds and bugs. Then pick them when they start to get wrinkly. The taste is amazingly sweet and jammy.


Yes but I have little self restraint :smile:. The pots of figs are on my driveway. Walking to and from my car, I “sample” them when they ripe. Not much chance for them to be wrinkled!!!


I do the same, but mine is on the deck…they never wrinkle😂


@mamuang your RDB figs look great! Sadly, my tree died last winter, probably from root rotting…

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I let this one get completely ripe, yum


I have a large tree you can have cuttings from if you ask me in the fall or winter.


@hoosierbanana and other fruit growers,

Is this Brunswick fig? The ripening one is quite large.


Could it be Longue d’Aout/Nordland? Leaves match those on my LdA—and fruit looks right, too. Whatever it is, looks like some good eating!


Of all the scionwood I got, there was one that the name was scribbled and not legible but I don’t think it was a long name.

I will pick the fruit tomorrow, cut it up and post the pic of the fruit.


It look like LDA (Longue d’Aout ) to me




Both of you, @JeremiahT and @Naeem, think it’s LdA.

All I recall was that the hand written tag on the scionwood had 3 letters on it. I thought it was CdD but it could be LdA as a hand written C and L could look similar.

Thank you for your help.

Here’s the pic of the fig. It’s drooping but not dead ripe yet. It had longer neck than in the pic but I trimmed it off a bit,

The skin still tasted “greenish” but overall it tasted sweet, soft and jammy. Nice large fig.


Looks like LdA to me as well.


Saw this about LdA fig.
Funny it was Kelby who sent it to me 3 years ago.

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Looks just like my Brunswick.