Finally Fall Harvest!

Hooray some of my apples are finally ready to harvest. My crops are always behind as I am so close to the western side of Lake Michigan (we have a very delayed spring). This Fall is worse as the apples seem to be about 7 days behind normal ripening time for me.

My LindaMac McIntosh and HaralRed are finally ready to pick. Honeycrisp ready too. Rest are all too green so hopefully the cold this weekend doesn’t get too low and damage anything.


OK here is my LindaMac. Not sure why it didn’t upload first time.



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Your trees look very ornamental! The colors of the fruit are amazing. Talk about eye candy.

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Thanks for such kind words! My Cortland are now ready. Running a good 12 days behind normal.
Empire and Connell Red should be ready in a few more days. Here are shots of Cortland and Empire