Fire blight and cankers

I came across this video and thought it was excellent for at least identifying fire blight in your apple and pear trees. For myself FB is what concerns me the most because it has the potential to completely destroy a tree. My methods of control/reduction are intensive and probably would not work without being constantly observant. Almost every morning I walk down my rows of fruit trees with a cup of coffee. This walk is enjoyable to me but it also allows for early detection of FB. If I see potentially damaged wood/shoots I break or cut out the area. Early detection helps to keep from having to remove so much of the tree’s structure. Some years I also spray oil/copper which appears to reduce the incidence rate. Most all my apple trees are rated for some degree of FB resistance but even these get some strikes. My methods might not work for you but they do seem to help me and my trees.


Hi Bill. Could you add the link to the video? It sounds good.

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Thanks. It has been added now.

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Newbie but I have both pear and apple trees. One Kieffer pear was struck down last year but I didn’t see any cankers. Wish they better described or had arrows pointing to things for those of us who are less versed in such things.

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Sometimes you can catch the strikes early and remove them without leaving any cankers.

There are many people on this site that knows a lot more than I do about FB. As you see questionable areas you might want to post a few pictures and get opinions from the group.

@Auburn I recently joined the group but certainly will. I am very familiar with your morning coffee walks method though.

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