I’ve looked at 100 pictures of fire blight on line and read threads here. But I can’t decide if this is fire blight. It’s on a grafted rootstock that actually took. All the new growth is affected. I keep thinking this might be aphid damage.ive noticed a lot of aphids lately. Our weather has been too cool to promote diseases. Highs in 60’s and lows in 40’s. No humidity. We did get 2 inches of rain over Friday and Saturday.
Any thoughts?
If it indeed is FB, do I have to rub off all the new growth? No branches to cut off really since it’s just a tiny rootstock. Appreciate your thoughts.
Oh one more thing. It was in a pot and I planted in ground last week.
If it’s fb there is nothing you’ll be able to do to save it. I won’t rub off the leaves.
Given that it was just planted I’d think it’s more likely stress from being moved. I think you should wait and see what happens next. Take the best care you can and hope it pulls thru.
Should I spray sulfur on it? Or Nothing will cure FB after it hits the plant?
I’d say it’s not FB
Giving me so much hope!!!
There are no cures for fb after it’s in the plant. Cutting it out is about all there is at that point. On this small plant that’s not a viable option. If it’s in this little plant it’s likely already in the roots making it too late for surgery. Sulfur won’t help.
There’s a good chance it’s not fb and if so there’s still hope.
Thank you. Let’s hope so.
I don’t think it’s FB either. Just be patient and I think the plant
will get past this normal reaction to a new graft.
Does not look like firelight to me either, it looks like the leaves were damaged by insects, actually it looks like damage caused by aphids.