Fireblighted shoots on apple -- how much to cut out, and should I spray?

We’ve had a lot of wet, and some cool, weather here in the Shenandoah valley region of VA. I just noticed yesterday a number of shoots/small branches on our one established apple that are turning brown – fireblight, I am pretty certain. I know I need to cut out the infected wood – but how far below it, and should I sterilize between cuts if I am cutting into clean wood each time? We also have a lot of young trees (apple and pear) planted this year – should I spray them now to protect them or is it too late (haven’t seen any brown branches but don’t know if there’s other signs I should look for) ? We have so much going on I didn’t get a spray program fixed up for them this year. Any recommendations for a organic-growing suitable (or the most effective, least dangerous to us/least impact on the environment) fireblight spray appreciated, for now and in the future.

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For the past three years I have used Serenade spray during the blooming period. Serenade is rated as organic. As of now I have not had any fireblight and I live were FB is common. Sure wish some others would try it so we could get a better sample size to see if I’m just lucky or if it actually works in other locations. I’m sold on it at least until I start having FB problems. I also spray copper and oil during the dormant season. Bill

I have Serenade, so I will keep that in mind. Thanks!!

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