Shiitake. Oyster looks like they may be just getting started. Not sure when the Wine Cap gets going. Looking forward to expanding the log collection this year. Love how easy mushrooms are.
ive tried shitakes 2xs on sugar maple. they never took. even used the cool weather strains and nada. think its too cold up here. i made sure i laid them down on pallets and covered with snow so they wouldnt dry out over winter. i got 1 log to fruit a partial flush then nothing after. did the same with oysters and got many flushes off aspen. wine caps grow like weeds. had them going for 6 yrs. here. as long as i put down fresh chips every spring, they kept popping up.
Good job, my first food was asparagus.
I did log inoculate mushrooms as well last winter and this spring. Chestnut, Piopinno, various Oysters, Shiitake. Oak, Ash, Tulip Poplar was used per compatibility charts. Hopefully they take.
Mine took two seasons to start, so don’t give up if you don’t see anything this year.
Did you use peg or sawdust spawn (w/ innoculation tool)? I used the peg spawn. Many of my logs are even 8+ inches in diameter so I’m expecting it will take a while for spawn run for those large logs
I started inoculation in winter and covered them with layers of agricultural fleece. Hopefully it also jump started the spawn run.
Used the pegs. My logs were somewhat big, which I figure is why it took so long. Many say use around 4 inch logs, but I wanted the logs to last longer. I’m going to use the sawdust this year. Some say it works better.
I read the same. I have logs of varying sizes to experiment. : )