First Frost on Collards

A week early for my area in southeast Virginia.


We’re still a week off from our first probable frost. Sadly, I didn’t manage to get any collards, rutabagas, or turnips planted this fall… ;…( Probably too late now.

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I don’t see any insect damage. How do you do it?

I use Agribon insect cover on metal hoops for the first few weeks after transplanting. I don’t have much trouble with late season insects. Most of the moths are out in my soybean fields where they get sprayed so few left to venture into garden.

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still havent got a frost here. over 45 days late for us.

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We’ve only had a light frost here in South-Central WI – my frost pocket garden got hit a couple of weeks back but my squash survived under row cover. I still have tomatoes and peppers very slowly coloring up in my backyard though…but I’ll pull these before we get a 25’F night in a few days.

Late fall greens and roots are something special – I’ve noticed the sweetness is incredible in my spinach, Chinese cabbage, salad turnips, etc.


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the lowland areas have had 3 light frost but on my hill, nada.

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We have had 80s/60s this past week… and it is supposed to continue a while… next Wed they are showing 55/32. If that happens could be our first light frost.

I have leaf lettuce, spinach, kale and collards planted… not up yet… but should be soon. Hope we get to eat some of that.

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That makes sense. We are up on a higher point as well and our area did get a first frost recently, but looking out the window you could see our lower sitting neighbors had been blanketed, but nothing around most of our property.

@jerryrva what variety of collard? I grew “Miss Annie Pearl Counselman Collard” and really liked it.