First robins

This happens in our neighborhood and to US every year. So annoying. Did the owl work? I tried streamers once—they were not fazed it’s almost like they enjoyed the added streamer effect, so that was a short lived effort.

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Today we had a large flock of Robins at the house. I don’t believe they’re the ones that summer here (the flock was too large for that anyway), but we do have 3 pair that are around all summer. About a 1/2 hour later I saw a flock of Canada Geese flying north.

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you guys robins on meth? lol.

It was all over my car first, then it moved on to the neighbor’s who tried the owl. The owl was out there for a couple days and then they went back to plastic bags. I don’t know that they tried anything else, but it went to a third car eventually.

Dang you all done talked up the Robins. Now they are everywhere here…lol


Well, really I was just excited because of that “harbinger of spring” stuff. I’m really excited to get started here but the ground’s still frozen and with lows projected to be in the middle teens it looks to stay that way a little longer.


Our first grackles this morning. Why doesn’t anyone celebrate their return?

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The woodcocks arrived in Midcoast Maine recently and have begun their twilight rituals…that is a bigger indicator than the robins who have started overwintering farther north nowadays it seems


Awesome. They call me the “Boat-tail Grackle Charmer” Here is a girl who shared lunch with me one summer:


I don’t trust the Robins as a “sign of spring” I’ve seen them around when the ground is still frozen with 6" of snow. To me the real sign of spring is when I hear the Spring Peeper frogs.


same here. 2 springs ago they showed up in mid April, right when we got a ft. of snow. felt so bad for them i was feeding them with mealworms from TSC.

they’re gone from oct to apr. here.

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We had our first robins on Wednesday evening. Much earlier than normal


When I stayed in England these little dinky birds were Robins - and they seemed to associate them with Christmas


I need to get a picture of him; but on my graft table outside I’ve found a new supervisor. The young male Bluebird of the nesting couple gets right up to the table. I’m not sure if he wants to steal sticks. Or if he is intrigued by me playing with so many of them.