I started out with 3 pairs of guppies in a 75 gallons tank and 2 years later 150 plus guppies.
10 yrs old Chiclids in the 250 gallons tank.
I started out with 3 pairs of guppies in a 75 gallons tank and 2 years later 150 plus guppies.
10 yrs old Chiclids in the 250 gallons tank.
Very nice! I don’t have my tank anymore, but the hydrangea where my water changes were siphoned to used to love that tank too!
I bought 3 algea eater fish and a snail to keep the algea in check but the guppies biproducts make the algea go wild.
The snails eat some (of the hair algae), but they seem to prefer other things in there. If a fish ever dies, they have it picked clean in a day or 2. They also breed quickly. I have a canister filter with a built in UV light so if the water ever get green i just zap it for a few days. My goal is to breed some tetras in a different tank. I’d like a big school of neon tetras.
Heavy water changes are the key to keeping algae in check (and fish healthy). I kept cichlids and would regularly perform 40% changes weekly.
Where do I get heavy water. Is it expensive. Do I need to differentia this water from those that have atomic nuclei’s of hydrogen with 1 neutron or 2 neutrons. Can it be a mix of the 2 isotopes. Thanks
I usually just replenish it due to evaporation. I have slowly dropped the hardness from over 300 to under 100. Tetras are an Amazon River fish which has very soft water. Hair algae is mainly caused by low dissolved Co2//at least from all the reading i’ve done…planted tanks run into that problem.
Here are photos of my 72 gal bowfront goldfish tank (which I recently parted with). I made the bamboo stems myself from PVC pipe.
And here is an “upside down aquarium” I made for my water garden.
Can you tell me the instructions how to make the upside down aquarium. How did you manage to get all the bubbles out of the upside down aquarium? What kind of glue did you use to seal it? Where did you buy the big glass bowl? @CA_Poppy
That’s pretty cool.
I have seen people use a wet/dry vacuum to remove the air that collects at the top. There are some youtube videos that show the process but they usually use upside down rectangular aquariums.
The globe is an acrylic globe for a light fixture: https://smile.amazon.com/Clear-Acrylic-Lamp-Post-Opening/dp/B002OMFRG4/ref=dp_prsubs_2?pd_rd_i=B002OMFRG4&psc=1
There is no glue involved. You just have to rig up a stand the globe can sit securely on with the opening under the surface of the water. The water is held in the globe by the vacuum that forms when you suck the air out.
The easiest way to get the air out of a small one like this is to just take a piece of air line tubing made for fish tanks, feed it up through the mouth of the globe, and suck the air out with your mouth. The trick to getting all of the air out is to feed the end of the tube through a small piece of styrofoam so it will float to the top of the inside of the globe as you suck the air out.
That upside down aquarium is so neat! So the fish can come and go at will? How do you keep the water inside clean/fresh/oxygenated?
Here’s my current state of affairs. 20 gallon tank with 2 honey gourami and 5 paleatus cories. The stem plants in the back had previously been much more lush, but we had a massive plant die off due to a potassium deficiency I didn’t catch in time, along with insufficient nitrogen I was down to 3 or 4 of the frog bit floaters and some really naked stems. Fortunately, the mosses, ferns, and banana plants were mostly unscathed.
We got semi-serious about fertilization and things are starting to get back to a nice place again. Still more algae growth than we’d had at its full glory, but starting to calm down a bit.
Some Lobelia cardinalis cuttings from my garden. I’m going to see if they successfully convert to submersed form.
I just bought a little fish tank for my office. I will get a male and female beta fish. These guys don’t need air bubbles to breath.
Yes, the fish come and go at will. You can train them initially to go in it by putting floating food pellets in it. It’s not blocked from the main body of water, so water exchange occurs. You don’t have to do anything special to the water inside the globe.