'Flavor Grenade' pluot

‘Flavor Grenade’ pluot beginning to leaf out and bloom. More fruit thinning in my future…


Hi Mr. Clint,
Your Flavor Grenade tree is very beautiful. You seem to grow some mighty nice fruit. I am still looking at your pics from last season. My flavor supreme has a lot of blooms too. These trees are like babies to me and I am very anxious to see just how many blooms have gotten pollinated. LOL! I will upload soon too. Keep up the good work! What else is blooming profusely in your area? I am in Georgia and everything seems to be in full swing!!! Yea!

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Here is a picture of my Flavor Supreme Tree. It is in full bloom as well. The black stuff you see on 4 areas of the tree is nothing but tree adhesive from last year. I think it may gotten a little sunburned. I won’t let that happen anymore…


Clint and AG

Very pretty. I am Envy you guys. Mine are just starting to buds swell.


MrClint, your Flavor Grenade looks great!! How long has it been in the ground? It seems like every year I lose a FG tree. Last year the deer destroyed one, the year before aphids killed one. The year before that I had FG on a 4n1 pluot tree and the other three pluots over ran the FG branch and it died. It sucks because FG is my favorite pluot. This year I planted three FG trees!

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I will be happy just for the flowers

Thanks all, for the kind words! :sunny:

SteveM, I’m not much of a record keeper, would have to say that my FG was planted 4-5 years ago. It has been a great tree in a less than ideal spot. This FG is on Myro roots, which I highly recommend.

Lots of trees in bloom right now: Olives, citrus, plums, pluots, peaches.

ahgrower, your FS looks great. I see tasty fruit in your future. :smile: