I’ve picked all mine. Man! When eating ripe Flavor Supreme, I kinda think it might be my favorite fruit
I’ve heard that from non fruit growers when eating my FS. It’s an aptly named fruit.
Having one for over ten years,with just a few fruit,is disappointing.
I wonder,if grafting scions from a Flavor Supreme tree,that has no problems with production,can help?
@Bradybb I had a standalone flavor supreme tree for three years that blossomed but never set a single fruit. Then that tree died suddenly one spring. I think maybe from gopher damage to the roots.
The two branches I grafted winter of 2023 set 12 pieces of fruit this year. It seems like being on a tree with multiple other Japanese plums/pluots helped. I also tried hand pollinating a few blossoms as well. So that may have been a factor.
This is the right approach. I’ve grafted FS on every other pluot that I have. And I’m grafting other things onto FS.
I’ve had a big set two ways. Hand pollination. And taking about 8 trees of various pluots in pots and moving them as close together as possible during pollination.
The tree probably has over 20 different Plums and Pluots grafted.So many,there may not be much original fruiting wood left.
Now I’m starting to wonder if my flavor supreme could be dapple dandy. Does anyone know if there is a good way to tell the difference between the two? I tried eating one this last week, and definitely still not ready. We just finished off our Santa Rosa plums last week. And the Flavor Kings are starting to get some color. Based on Dave Wilson’s harvest chart, I thought Flavor Supreme would be much sooner.
Here is a recent picture of the Flavor Supreme
And this is Flavor King today
Looks like Dapple Dandy to me. But there are other “dapple” pluots, could be one of the others!
Fairly certain this is Dapple Dandy based on how it looks and time of year it is ripening. I think we could still wait a week or two before it is optimal. I sent a message to Fruitwood and they agreed it is most likely not flavor supreme. So far the fruit I’ve eaten have been ok but nowhere near as good as flavor king.
I also spoke with another grower in my area that has flavor supreme and they said it usually ripens early July and hangs into August. Hopefully I can get some more scion of FS this winter and try again.
Oh wow! Looks much different. I will probably have to wait a few more weeks. Thanks for the advice.