This is the first year my flavor supreme graft is fruiting. I bought the scion wood from fruitwood nursery and I’m wonder if it was mislabeled. Mostly because the fruit has not started getting any red color on it yet. My Santa Rosa plums on the other hand will probably be ripe in a few weeks. I was under the impression Flavor Supreme would ripen first. What does your Flavor Supreme look like today?
I have a Flavor Supreme graft about 3 years old but yet to flower. Its foliage does not resemble your pic. Judging from your pic my FS leaves are about twice as large as the ones in your pic, so one of us probably has the wrong label. Let me know when yours ripens if it is FS!
That looks more like Flavor Queen. Any chance you grafted some green/yellow plum pluot and mixed up the tags?
I was wondering if it was flavor queen as well. But I certainly did not purchase flavor queen or have any other scion on hand. It may have been a mixup from the nursery. I will say it set much less fruit than my flavor king, Santa Rosa, and Satsuma. That is about the only characteristic so far that has made me think it might still be flavor supreme.
I guess I will know soon enough.
My dark plums and pluots are just starting to get color in some of them. I think Geopride and AU producer are mostly still green, even Nadia cherry plum is just starting to get some color on many, while some are getting dark.
I have a small Flavor Supreme graft from many years ago. It has flowered sparsely several years, but never set any fruit that held this long. I think it still has a couple of fruit on it now.
This has been a good year for Japanese plum and pluot set, except surprisingly Shiro is a little sparse and less surprisingly, Howard Miracle is sparse too.
This is Beauty yesterday. A red skinned plum, just starting to go from green to yellow:
The first crop by the way. It’s precocious and reliable. I’ve thinned of 80% plus probably.
And today they are starting to get color on a few. The weather also began heating up. 90 today, 100 the next few:
It’s probably FS that hasn’t colored up yet. You’ll know for sure when they ripen. FS is pretty distinctive in apperance and taste. I hope it is FS. You’re in for a treat…!!
My Flavor Queen branches and petioles have more burgundy-ish coloring and is quite distinct from most other pluots. If you don’t see this trait, I would rule out Flavor Queen.
I am really hoping it is FS. Very excited to try it. Hope it doesn’t ripen while I’m on vacation haha.
This is my Santa Rosa starting to get some color today. The next few days will be pretty hot here.
I just noticed that today. I have a tree with Sweet Treat and Flavor Queen that apparently isn’t super well labeled. The Sweet Treat is fruiting for the first time with a distinctively different shape than Flavor Queen. The non-fruiting stems are red as you say.
The petioles on my FQ are red and have like a weird like half hairpin bend to them as well.
Nice to see so much fruit. My Dapple Dandy, Flavor Supreme and Flavor King flower early when temperatures are low and there is little pollinator activity. Never need to thin with so few fruit. Then splitting from heavy rain and other damage removes most of the small crop. This year there are 3 fruit left. The multigrafted tree is 12 years old. It doesn’t get as much sun as I would like but a Santa Rosa plum in the same area does fine.
My FS follows Santa Rosa by a week to 10 days. SR had a heavy set and is almost done, and FS was light this year so they got picked over when we all got tired of eating SR plums all day every day!
I’m thinking I’ll add satsuma as a pollenizer for FS this winter to help with the fruit set. What do you all use?
My Beauties are also changing color since last week, very prolific grafts, hope the fruit turns out well. This year I have several new varieties coming along if I can prevent the squirrels from finding them, Methley, Waneta a two year old graft, Burgandy, Luisa, and Flavor King. My most disappointing ones that seem to never set fruits are Ozark Premiere and Dapple Dandy. I may end up just removing those if next year is same result.
Kent, wa
armeniangreg , the above pictures appear to be Emerald Drop pluot, looks just like mine. They are IMO the best green/yellow pluot, better than Flavor Queen, delicious!
That is a good possibility as well. When does your emerald drop ripen typically? Do you typically get a light set on emerald drop?
Just to be clear, my picture is of Beauty, not Flavor Supreme.
I considered it relevant to the topic because OP thought the fact that the fruit were currently green/yellow for a variety that is supposed to be red/purple could mean it was mislabled.
I showed there that my Beauty fruit, which will turn red, were also currently green/yellow.
On my tree satsuma blooms first followed by flavor king and Santa Rosa and the supposed flavor supreme was last to bloom.
In this picture satsuma is starting to leaf out. Santa Rosa is in the center, flavor king to the left is blooming, and the “flavor supreme” is to the far left just starting to open up.
armeniangreg , they usually ripen around mid July here, well after FS in mid June. Not a light setter but usually not too heavy either.