Flavorella plumcot

My Flavorella are getting ripe. The one I ate for breakfast was 23 brix.


What pollinators did you used?

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Do you think only nectarine will pollinate Flavorella? I bought it last fall and it had a few flowers in April but they all dropped. Only then I searched and found out it is very hard to get fruit set. I had many nectarine and apricot trees flowering at the same time with bees around but still nothing happened. It is an old apricot so I don’t know the name. Do you think next year I should hand pollinate the flowers?

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Apricot is probably your best source.Goldkist is mentioned,but others will work.
Hand pollinating usually does the job really well.bb


I used Desert Delight Nectarine because there were no other stone fruits flowering along with Flavorella and it looks like it was a successful cross.

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Flavorella kernel is starting to germinate. These are the seeds pollinated by Desert Delight Nectarine.



Do you expect this will exhibit any particular characteristics based on your experience, Ulises?

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Since most of these plum hybrids always end up resembling a plum, I’m expecting a plum-like fruit with the flavor and aroma of a nectarine.

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I left it outside last week when night lows dropped to the low 30s, as a result, half of the seedling got frost damage.

Is there ant method that I can use to save it?
Should I pull it out and put it in water?

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I won’t pull it out. That would probably kill it and won’t help it grow back. It might well grow back just like it is. There seems to be a node there which could sprout a shoot.


How big is the container?Maybe put a heat mat underneath.bb

6 inch.

Bad news:
A bird or some type of rodent ate my seedling, including one of my Calired kernels that was about to germinate.

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Flavorella plumcots are ripe.


@anon18642480 How is your Flavorella Plumcot now. Setting any fruit last year? Do you like its flavor? Thank you.

It had a few flowers every year but never set fruit, even though I once saw a bee on the flowers. The old unknown apricot tree died last year. We added three different apricot trees, and will decide whether to keep the Flavorella after this summer. The leaves had very beautiful color in the Fall.

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@btle OMG. Lucky to get information from you. So I won’t order it yet. Your areas the weather easier than us here in Seattle Cold wet Spring. For sure Flavorella plumcot won’t performs well here. Most of Apricot as well. Thank you so much.

I planted a Flavorella tree (on Myro 29C rootstock) in early 2021, it fruited in summer 2022 (not a huge harvest, but decent for such a young tree). It is surrounded by Asian plums and pluots, I think they better fit Flavorella’s pollination needs than apricots.


Mine is surrounded by plums and pluots too, still only a few flowers and no fruit set.

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