Flemish Beauty pear

I don’t pay a great deal of attention to the flavor opinions of specialists who often draw their opinions from a very limited sampling as far as region and soil type, If they are professors they may not get out of their own university orchards much, Even if they love their fruit they are not more qualified to evaluate flavor than any home grower who has sampled it themselves, for the most part.

That said, I wonder how a professor who resides in upstate NY could suggest that Flemish Beauty ripens in August. I’m in a warmer climate in a warmer time but it ripens after Bartlett here in Sept. So far.


Mine start dropping about Aug 15, so Aug for upstate NY would seem odd.

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I’ve only fruited them one season so I guess I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. If thy do ripen as early as you say then they should be celebrated for being such a high flavored summer pear.

However, Seedsavers Exchange FN and Berry Inventory says it ripens from mid Sept to Oct. So does Grandpa’s Orchard’s varietal description of it.

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Then, I will say that they are wrong. But seriously, I have a lot of sun/heat here compared those northern growers. Totally different climate, so they will ripen a lot earlier. Around 4000GDD this year. I can just about set my clock by them. Aug 15 for many years. It doesn’t matter if volcanoes are erupting, cows have an extra gassy year, or whatever. Harrow delight is around Aug 1, but doesn’t keep. Somewhere I have a list of the relative ripening order of varieties here. @clarkinks is warmer than me so he would be even earlier. Looks like Ithaca, NY had just short of 2200 GDD last year.

Flemish Beauty can keep for a few months in cold storage, so a great pear to have. But I haven’t been hit by FB yet.


I misunderstood you at first. Now I get it.