Flower bulbs and rhizomes for the deep south

lately i’ve become obsessed with planting flowering bulbs and rhizomes. i decided to rip out and redo my front beds and i am trying to grow flowers that will bloom in spring, summer and fall here in the Florida panhandle (zone 8b/9a). i also planted evergreens in there so it won’t be completely bare in the winter. i am almost finished with the front beds. we will see how they do, i’ve never planted these before and hope they all do well and perennialize. here are the layouts for the front beds. i tried to do everything in size order with the tallest in the back and middle and the bordering plants to be the shortest but i guess i won’t know until they pop up. also, some of these i read won’t flower in their first year, i.e. spider lilies and siberian irises, so i might have to wait a while. also i figured i plant densely in case i have some duds, besides dense plantings look better and i’ll just thin out and re-locate if/when it does get crowded. i also will be planting more flowers in my backyard, along the fence line, more canna lilies, elephant ears, gladioli, crocosmias, tuberoses, siberian irises, peruvian daffodils. everything pretty much is in areas of full sun. what do you think? what’s your suggestions for other flowers to plant?


Ginger have pretty flowers and smell great

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i planted lots of shampoo ginger in my backyard but none have yet to produce the pine cones, i read it takes several years