I planted some coreopsis seeds past spring in two groups. In both groups I got an extra plant that has decorative foliage but didn’t flower at all and doesn’t show any signs that it will in future. I suspect something was mixed in to the packet. But the fact it didn’t flower tells me that it is probably perennial. I do not have anything looking like this in the weeds around. May be somebody can tell me what it is?
Looks like coreopsis leafs
May be it is a different kind, but other “real”(as I know it) coreopsis plants are flowering for couple months already and look much different. Their stems are not red like on the piucture and thin, not meaty like on picture
I am not that knowledgeable about coreopsis.
Their are many kinds annual, /perennial.
Hardy / not.
Many leaf shapes ,size. Bloom etc.
Just sayin I have seen some with leafs that look like your photo.
May bloom next year ?
In the foreground is Coreopsis. (Behind the white pipe is something else, though.)
Behind the pipe is a creeping phlox. Are you sure it is coreopsis in front? The other coreopsis plants look very different, I will make picture when it is a day light.
If I see Virginia creeper and poison ivy growing together…I pick and eat the winter creeper. To most they look too much alike.
Mistake corrected.
The leaves are edible. I’ve not tried the other parts or the seeds/fruits, but I presume they are ok.
(I’ve freaked out more than a few over the years by someone saying, ‘don’t touch, that’s poison ivy’…and then I grab a leaf and eat it. ).
Old folks called it ‘sour vine’…and deer and livestock really love it. does taste sour, almost like sorrell (Oxalis),
I used to eat poison ivy with no ill effects .
As per page 284 of “stalking the wild asparagus “
By Euell gibbons …
I used to get the rash when young.
Then I read that page at like age 12. Young and dumbe
He spoke of eating a very young leaf , early spring.
To get immunity…
Young and ignorance. I tried it . Three years in a row. No I’ll effects
Have not had a rash from it since. Can pull it bare handed.
I told my family doctor what I had done.
He said it could have killed me !
So … not advocating this at all. As it may kill you.
But it seems to have worked for me…? ?
Now Virginia creeper ,
Not listed as edible anywhere I have seen.
So I would be Leary of that.
Hmmm…it isnt in book I have on edible plants after all.
But, naturalmadicinalherbs.com lists the berries as edible, the inner bark, stems if cooked, and roots. And cautions mature leaves can cause rash, irritation and on rare occasions other more serious side effects.
I pick and eat the tender leaves as a salad or snack, and have done so for 50+ years…maybe half dozen times a year. (As a ‘general’ rule, if deer eat it, it is not seriously harmful to humans).
And, as with anything…moderation!
Leaves of three, leave 'em be!
My dad, when he was a boy, used to eat Virginia Creeper to shock and amaze visiting town cousins. Of course, they didn’t know the difference.
He probably could’ve gotten away with the “leaves of three” (in moderation!), though, as he seems entirely resistant. I am, too; like Hillybillyhort, I can pull it barehanded and suffer no ill effects (though I’ve never eaten it!). My mom and brother, on the other hand, get a terrible rash from the slighest contact. There is no doubt some gene involved. (It’s nice to have one superpower at least. Sadly, am vulnerable to just about everything else.)
If interested, look for and read up on the immunologic phenomenon ‘Oral Tolerance’. The Native Americans, knowingly or unknowingly, made use of OT by exposing infants to poison ivy/oak early in life by an oral route so that they would not be afflicted by the hypersensitivity reaction that most of us experience as a result of being exposed via a cutaneous encounter.
HH, I believe your physician was over the top in claiming that ingestion could be fatal.
I’ve eaten the pollen honeybees collect from poison ivy.
And also the honey.
Don’t think at this stage in life I’ll try eating the leaves…but there may be plenty evidence from the American Indians that it’s preventive therapy to have a little in youth as a anti-allergen treatment.
Most ALLERGY treatments, many anyhow, include a small dose of the thing that makes you have the allergy`!
You also have “real” coreopsis in front of the pipe in the original picture.
Any idea why it is not flowering?
Probably because of being a first year seedling?