Food for community - newbie in New England

I’m hoping the Egyptian walking onion I planted at your suggestion comes back this spring. It did really well last year, and was such a trip to watch it “walk”.

The alpine strawberries I planted at your suggestion are doing amazing in the feed trough raised beds! They are popping white flowers like crazy already. I love the tiny sweet strawberries that come out all summer. Thank you!


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The foxglove really is an attractive flower, but you might want to consider removing it from any areas where small children might be foraging for edible stuff, because it’s pretty toxic. I had them coming up as volunteers in my yard, but our toddler tried to put one of the flowers in her mouth once, and I got so scared she might do it when no one was watching closely enough that I put it on the top of my list of things that get put in the compost as soon as they are identified.