I’m worried about late spring freezes (already) since I lost so much fruit last year. There were three days 28 or under in April, and some of my trees started blooming in February. I know it seemed like a one off, but if it happens again, I dont want to lose everything. Im thinking about over sprinkling, but dont see any elevated sprinklers that wont break the bank. I have about 50 trees, and most are too big to consider covering.
Can you make some suggestions on best practice or suppliers for the same?
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Smoke bombs to keep sunlight out on warm (hot) February days??
Either that or pray for some cold rain. We are supposed to have a hot Feb…at least not a hot January like last year.
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Freeze protection was discussed at length in the spring of 2016.
And here comes the freeze - #454 by Cafeaulait.
It is long but if you don’t mind reading through, it covered a lot of techniques people tried. No one truly effective protection without proper covering,
The fig row on the left is about 10 ft. tall and wide, trying out some heavy duty typar frost blanket this year. So far so good, seems like quite strong stuff, although I did have to add twine tie downs to keep it from blowing off.
I read the entire section @mamuang, and there is a lot of information there. I was almost leaning to smudge pots for my 50 tree orchard. There might be other opportunities to use them than just a freeze event.
Thanks for the link
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