Freeze tonight

Why only two? After all that work only two?


Just for you Bob then make it a dozen! Loved your citrus. I got five Honey Tangerine seedlings going. Hopefully will graft them over in a few years.

Got down to 28.1F at the vineyard I take care of–might be enough to fry the jupiter and marquette that have poked out. Theoretically, everything else should be ok since it’s just at budswell. 30F at home, some of the younger rose leaves look droopy.

Why are you doing it that way? Are you getting any rootstock for your area( coldhardy)? Can get you the finest in mandarins, just let me know.

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After tonight, I think we are in the clear (save for a minor concern about Mon/Tues).

Fruits and potatoes look OK. Hardy hibiscus foliage droopy in a couple spots. Damage to a Luffa plant.

I head one person in Mt. Vernon KY with a home reading of 23…but you never know the accuracy of home units. I see no additional damage to anything where I am.

Probably means not much below 30 here.

Does anyone know how many hours/days it takes before strawberries show black eye damage?

Got stuck in a snow squall while uncovering my plants this morning.

My Prok persimmon got hit hardest it seems. It was just starting to leaf out and all buds are brown and wilted now. I was pretty hopeful for it to fruit for the first time this year but not too sure now. Medlars got hit too, they were my first trees to leaf out. Quince rootstock seems to like pushing growth early. Some apple and pear blossoms got bit but seem fine overall. Reliance peach seems fine and is in full bloom. Redhaven was in bloom during the poor weather a few weeks ago and dropped most of it’s flowers so it doesn’t look like I’ll get anything from it. Pawpaws seem fine. Berries seem fine. Ya win some, ya lose some.


Flowers totally melted.


From google…

The critical freezing temperature of the open flower is 31° F. The black centers or " black -eyes" of frost killed blossoms are clearly visible a few hours after damage .

I’m seeing a few leaves on my kiwis that are melted… they haven’t started flowering yet so that part should be ok.

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Hibiscus look ok now.

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Well, it’s been about 12 hours, so I should be safe. Still have some yellow centers.

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So, i spent much of the day yesterday digging out all the buckets, sour cream containers (my plants are that small now), trash cans, flower pots, boxes, paint cans, and any other container you can imagine- even small cardboard boxes. I covered 96 plants in my garden!

I had no damage at all! Problem is, I really don’t know if it was all my work or if we just didn’t get that low. Local weather said 31 so I was right on the line. If @BlueBerry didn’t get damage I probably would have been ok since it was predicted to be 4 degrees colder over where you are.

Anyway, feels good to dodge a bullet once in a while. Glad to see many of you did as well this time. Sorry for those who got burned!

Oh…no damage at all to fruit .


I got enough damage to the potatoes I had covered that I’m sure they would have been toasted if I hadn’t.

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Frontenac Gris grape… every other unfurling bunch of leaves are dead. Still a lot that are fine though.

Every other basil plant is toast, while every other is fine. Strange how that happens.

Apricot leaves look droopy but none have browned at all.

New schisandra that arrived fully leafed out has a lot of dried up leaves now.

Cherries and plums are blooming and look fine. Apples are about to bloom so should be ok. Definitely put the coleus grown from seed out too early, it will have to be replaced.


The local weather station said it only got to 32 degrees but I have a feeling it was a degree or 2 lower at my house. There was a crust of ice on the ground. So crazy having snow in May here. Most of my trees look decent with minimal damage. There were a few bruised leaf tips on certain persimmons, figs, hardy kiwi, and open raspberry blossoms that I had out unprotected. Much less harsh of a freeze than what we had 3 weeks ago. I’m sure my trees I have covered look perfectly fine but we have a few more nights projected at 35 degrees or so this upcoming week. I’m not uncovering them just yet.



One more night for me tonight and all the pots will go outside on Monday. The warming trend in the 70s and 80s is coming. So monday is time to graft my persimmon and jujube scions and call it good for this year.:blush:


35 here with substantial frost. A few of the tallest potato sprouts burned, but they’ll be ok.
Mowed/weedeated in the orchard yesterday. As a result of the freeze ee had almost 4 weeks ago now, there is not a single apple or pear fruit anywhere. Surprisingly, the Chickasaw plums have quite a few nicely developing fruit, all with PC lesions. Serviceberries look to have a full crop coming on, and ther will be some blueberries, though not a full crop.
Pecans and mulberries still full of fried, crispy black leaves, but are finally beginning to push new green growth; oaks releafed much more rapidly, but I anticipate total loss of all pecans/hickories and white oak group acorns.

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