French improved prune

Can anyone compare “french improved prune” with president plum, italian plum, red heart, satsuma, mirabelle, shiro, or Santa Rosa in terms of taste complexity and juiciness? Where would you rank it vs any of the ones listed?

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French improved is a euro plum and will be quite a bit different to the asians you listed. I have it. It’s usually pretty pc bitten, but the good ones are pretty good. Better than italian in my opinion.

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What is “pc bitten”? Im.a neophyte in the area sorry. :joy:

PC is plum curculio.

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Plum curculio does not exist west of the Rockies, so not an issue for the topic starter.


Italian prune, mirabelle and French Improved are Euro.

What is Shirin plum? Did you mean to say Shiro?

It is difficult to compare Asian plum to Euro. In my opinion, Asian’s taste is more straight forward, sweet and/or tart. Texture is soft to very soft. They are usually juicy. Euro often taste sweeter, more intense and more complex. Some are quite aromatic. Texture is not as soft or juicy as Asian’s.

I prefer Euro’s taste more than Asian’s. I like several Euro including French Improved. It cracked in the rain. A lot of them cracked this year with our excessive rain.

Mirabelle set fruit like crazy. They crack in the rain, too, but not as badly as French Improved.


That is good about plum curculio not being west of the Rockies. However we still have oriental fruit moth here I think or something else that puts little wormy caterpillars in the pit area of my euro plums. They usually show up in the plums that ripen first and drop first in August. Other fruit stays later in the year. They usually appear in about 10% of the fruit on my tree.

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