i think it is also a pride thing. Or blood, sweat, tears, and toil thing. Many of us may have gotten acquainted to posters claiming what they grow are the best-tasting fruits, and we politely acknowledge it, taking into account all the challenges they hurdle, and all the extraordinary expenses and labor they put into it. Much like any dedicated parent will proudly say his/her child is the world’s ‘number 1’
we should note however that there are other people who have experienced growing the same fruits(ones being touted by the above mentioned whose experiences are limited to temperate usa) and who also have experience growing fruits(or have lived) in puerto rico, so fl/ca, and hawaii, and it is understandable that they too will have their own subjective(or biased) claims about which fruits are the better-tasting. And partly, the bias is based on the exact opposite-- because growing excellent tropical fruits in those areas don’t involve extraordinary measures or costs.
so when we rate fruits, the logistics have a strong influence.
it could also be a sentimental thing, or even a religious thing. As many have a tendency to cherish and respect the standards/beliefs they grew up with.
as an extreme example, and taking into account world events, someone who grew up believing in a certain deity will more likely deem that deity as THE real god, and that anybody else thinking differently is not in one’s pre-set standards, or outright wrong.
evidently, and not just in politics, there will be conservatives just as there will be liberals
Lots of aroma, yeah. I’ve smelled it when my wife has had it and that is what will ensure that I don’t get any closer to it.
I’m sure I’m biased in some ways, but I try to give the tropical fruits a chance- maybe some day I’ll be able to grow them, either in a greenhouse or in a warmer climate. Lychee, Longyan, jujube, and non-astringent persimmon are all among my favorites. The last 2 aren’t strictly tropical, but they are foreign to what I grew up with. While I’m having some success with Jujubes, I haven’t done as well at protecting persimmons from winter die-back.
At the same time, some don’t appeal- mangos, dragonfruit, cherimoya, astringent persimmons, and the common bananas (the small finger ones are pretty good) are all pretty lacking to my tastes.
oh no, you’ve got to try it, at least one piece! Also, there are several cultivars, and different stages in maturity which appeal variably depending on the individual.
i agree, dragonfruit is more like a vegie than a fruit. I hope you get to try a prime mango variety and cherimoya, as most being sold in no. america are not at their best, having been picked sub-par to extend viability
Lychees are definitely better IMO but those Rambutan in your pic look well past their prime. I’ve tried many varieties of rambutan but the seed coating alway kill it for me. I tried some yellow one in Puerto Rico that I liked a lot better than most of the Reds.
Have you been able to try any top varieties of mangoes? If you can get someone to ship you a box of varieties called Lemon Zest, Sweet tart, and coconut cream it will be impossible not to love them.
This person on FB ships and should have those varieties in the next few weeks. Kind of expensive but definitely worth it.
You wouldn’t feel that way about astringent persimmons if you could taste the one’s i have eaten last year.
Fully ripe they are a treat. Simply delicious!
And to those who don’t like the soft consistency there is always the alternative of combining them with other foods, like greek yogurt - Yuumm!!
Here is the variety i am talking about - Coroa de Rei - the best we have:
@Jsacadura - that looks awesome. I have had properly ripened astringent persimmon once in my life, and they are very good. I’m hoping sometime to be able to taste the North Central US cold hardy ones.