Fruit dropping

First year I really got any fruit to set. Problem I am having now is the fruit is dropping off at about the size of ping pong balls. I didnt thin much because 1. I think i over winter pruned and 2. the late freeze may have gotten a few. Mostly my Santa Rosa plum but some of the other plums and peaches too. We have had 6"s of rain in the last 30 days and nearly 9"s in the last 60. A few really windy days but mostly fairly mild temps. No pest pressure so far. The overall vigor has been unreal but I think because of all the rain lately. I may not get anything to ripen if this keeps going on. Oh this the
2nd season for them.


Mike, just hang in. Did you have many blooms?

I cannot tell you for sure what has caused fruit drop. Usualy during the first year of fruiting, fruit trees tend to drop their fruit early on. However, yours have sized up quite big and appeared to be late drop.

I can tell you that when peach trees get lot of rain and their roots are very wet ( not quite drowning), peach trees will drop their healthy green leaves. When that happened to my peach trees, they were young and did not carry any fruit.

When I get drop of sized-up fruit, I look for curculio larvae within.

Thats for all the ideas. They have gotten a lot of rain but the soil drains well and I see no stress in the leaves. Also I dont see any pest pressure. Hopefully a few will hang on.