Fruit tree Species Etymology

For etymology fanatics, I thought I’d start a page. This is one interpretation of the meaning, there could be many. Most intepretations are from latin, but some from other languages.

Malus - “Apple” but homonym with “Evil”, may be named with hint at original sin

  • Domestica - Domestic Apple
  • Sylvestris - Forest Apple

Pyrus - “Pear”

  • Communis - “Common Pear”
  • Pyrifolia - “Pear-leaf Pear”
  • Betulifolia - “Birch-leaf Pear”
  • Calleryana - “Joseph-Marie Callery’s Pear”
  • Ussuriensis - Ussuri River Pear

Prunus - “Plum”

  • Avium - “Bird Plum”
  • Cerasus - “Cherry Plum”
  • Armenica - “Armenian Plum”
  • Dulcis - “Sweet Plum” - may be referring to fragrance of almond flowers, not the fruit itself
  • Persica - “Persian Plum”
  • Salicina - “Willow Plum”
  • Mume - “Plum Plum”

Diospyros - lit. “Zeus’s Wheat” or “Divine Fruit” (gr)

  • Virginiana - Virginian Divine Fruit
  • Kaki - Persimmon Divine Fruit (jp)
  • Lotus - Lotus Divine Fruit (gr)