Grow them by cuttings…
Yeah but I can’t find any of the plant or cuttings online. Well not the specific variety that @lordkiwi mentioned. My friend has some normal flowering fuchsia but I’ve never seen it develop a berry. But I will root some from him just because it’s pretty and hummingbirds enjoy it and I love feeding them. Basically everything I grow is either food for me, or pollinators
Is this one fruiting? I can’t find anything about whether it makes fruit or not
You can exchange with people in US no? Hask on forum… just saying.
I posted on TFF and no one replied haha, I will continue to try though
Patience is a virtude…
Indeed, where can I purchase some of that? Haha
Hi Luis, do you ever eat the flowers too? I haven’t tried them myself but i hear they are quite nice in a salad for the spicy flavour.
I never tried but i know they are edible…
Such interesting-shaped fruits, Luis. It sort of reminds me of a surinam cherry or something similar.
I have been keeping my eye out for certain fuchsia varieties that I can find here in the UK with good flavour.
I never tried any with bad flavor… some more sweet, some more spicy flavor but all are good. This ones are very big.
Have you ever had tree fuschia before? I bought some seeds for the beautiful flowers, but it would be great if the fruit tasted good too. Assuming I can get them to sprout.
I got them as garden plants, they are pot plants that can grow on ground if you dont have too cold winter temp.
I will probably have them in pots for at least a year. We rarely get below 40 for more than a few nights, and below 30s is could be counted in hours for the last decade, so I’ll probably move them in ground.
If I have a high germination rate, I’ll probably try them in all sorts of places. How do they do with harsh sun? Our winters and early spring are usually very very sunny, if not particularly hot.
They can have a shade place or half shade.
Really beautiful flowers! Is that a Fuchsia boliviana? I’m not too good at identifying fuchsia species
Hi, thanks! Its Fuchsia Koralle… this is an incredible plant!
Hopefully this thing will thrive here. Going to plant it near the chicken coop to give it a nice shady spot and winter protection
Good luck, Gunner. Keep us updated!