Tony asked me to post a picture of my fuyu; so here it is along with some others.
Your persimmon and your garden are very aesthetically pleasing.
How do you pick persimmon on the tpo of the tree? It looks so high up.
That’s a nice looking fuyu. How old is it?
Charlie, what a fantastic tree, it is huge. Your garden and yard is delightful, I love your garden bench.
She is about 9-10 years old. Last year I got my best harvest, about 200 plus persimmons with very light fruit drop. See photo. I also loaded a photo of my stella cherry tree in bloom.
Charlie, this is OT for your thread and isn’t meant to sound creepy, but I would have recognized that pic of the artichoke garden and where it came from, anywhere. How did they wind up doing this year? You can post the answer in the vegetable garden thread if you don’t want to hijack your own topic here.
I’m glad to see you posting in this forum and hope that you continue to do so. You have experience to contribute. I was a member of GW, but haven’t posted there since Spike sold it some years ago, but I’ve enjoyed many of your posts.
The picture of the artichokes is out of my back yard. In 2013 I tried to grow artichokes, but produced no fruit due to inadequate chill hours. I set them out May 1 that year. This year I set them out on March 1 and covered them when frosts threatened. I started 21 plants and ended up transplanting 11. I made about 35 artichokes. Lots of fun, but my wife said that they provided too little edible material and we should other things. In each end of the raised garden I have a gojiberry bush.
I am also growing artichokes for the first time this year. My daughter loves artichokes and wanted to try growing some. They are not growing a whole lot recently, I’m not sure I will get anything.
Thats a very nice-looking tree. I have a 12-year Fuyu but since its in a close planting you would probably think its a three-year-old tree.
My fuyu persimmon tree is ready for the 2015 harvest. While I was in Italy my daughter-in-law harvested 130 persimmons and I still have many on the tree. Last year I got more than 200; it appears that this years harvest will be a little short of that number. Scott, my worst persimmon pest is crows. They tend to take a bite out of 1 and waste the rest after they become a little soft. I have some problems from squirrels and chipmunks; but to a lesser degree.