Gala disease

This year my Gala (planted last year) fully blossomed out covered in flowers. Shortly after, it all turned brown like a tree that was dried out. It was spring, and the soil was still moist so clearly lack of water wasn’t the issue. I didn’t think it was FB because everything was brown, not black. Regardless, I thought it was dead and was going to remove it, but with lots going on, I didn’t get to it right away. Fast forward a few weeks and it has lots of green coming out.
Can anyone tell me what this might be and how to prevent it next year? None of my other 80 something trees have ever had this happen.

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Gala is very Fire Blight prone, and that’s probably what you have.

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If it’s not fireblight, it could be Rapid Apple Decline.

From what I understand it’s a growing problem all over the country.

Some research in my state pointed to Ambrosia Beetles as a primary cause.

Thanks for the link blueberrythrill, that doesn’t appear to be the issue based on what I read there, but I’m going to look closer at the graft union.

Will a tree start making leaves again 2 weeks after it looks dried and dead if the cause was fireblight? That’s what this Gala is doing.