I’m writing this under general gardening, and I have a few more questions and any advice for general gardening. Also with Growing fruit. I am 17, and I would consider myself a pretty good gardener. I’ve gardened mostly in Alabama. I’ve grown corn, pumpkins, tomatoes, {grapes, raspberry}(Second round of growing, first ones failed) okra, watermelon, bell peppers, Carolina reapers, rice(that was a pain), beans, Hot peppers, brussel sprouts, broccoli, peanuts, peas potatoes, cherry trees, radishes, apple trees, blackberries, Fig trees, lettuce, and a couple other things. Most of them have done very well, especially pumpkins, corn, potatoes, apples, blackberries, and peppers in general. I would like more knowledge from who ever replies on broccoli, okra and cucumbers. Thanks in advance to who ever replies
Trellising them is best. Variety matters as well for taste. Lack of water will cause them to go bitter.
Thanks you very much for your advice. I’ve seen people trellis cucumbers before, but when I grow them, I gut let them grow on the ground. Personally, I do water plenty because I have grown cucumbers and didn’t water them enough, and they were bitter. By the way, I love your profile picture. the dog is cute.
Thank you
Yeah it’s night and day when you start to trellis the cucumbers. I’ve done both out of convenience and I’ve lost some to rodents on the ground. All the ones above have been perfect for the most part
Well, I’ve been lucky. Despite my losses of grapes and raspberries, I’ve had no problems with my garden. I put great pride into that nothing has happened to my garden due to pests. I don’t use anything to deter them. I’m an all natural gardener. Partly cause I was 15 when I started gardening and couldn’t afford much besides gardening tools and seeds. I would sell my produce at farmer markets in the old town I used to live in, and I’d keep a portion for seeds and improving equipment.
@Melon - I wrote another post asking for advice. If you have any insight on the plants I mentioned over there, I would love to hear your thoughts for improvement. I plan on going big and working on a farm. One of my uncles is giving me his farm when I turn 18. So, I’d love insight on as much vegetables, fruits, grains as possible. Thanks
I have to eat very low carb… when I do eat carbs… I rotate between carnivore, ketovore and keto diets.
Okra is a great veggie for keto garrden… very low carb and high in fiber.
Delicious keto fried. Avacado oil and bacon fat for oil… pork panko for breading.
Okra thrives in heat… i start mine from seed about two weeks after planting tomatoes in the garden.
I normally plant 2 or 3 double rows.
It starts bearing by mid summer and continues until first frost.
Okra, yellow squash, onions fried together is heavenly… we eat that about every other day summer and fall.
Living the Harvest Moon life. I’m jealous!