Gardening & orchard hacks - fact or fiction?

Most of us have seen mainstream Articles such as this one written by”
Marc Rosenberg January 4, 2018 “discuss how easy it is to grow things such as roses
“Propagating roses by cuttings is easy, and it brings certain side benefits, says Kris

  1. In an out-of-the-way part of the garden, which gets some shade during the hottest part of the day, dig a trench that has one vertical side. It should be around 6in (15cm) deep; place an inch or two of sharp sand in the bottom
  2. Choose a stem – about the thickness of a pencil – from the rose you wish to propagate. The wood should be straight (no kinks), ripe (tell by being able to break a thorn off cleanly), and young (from this year’s growth).
  3. The cutting should be about 9in (23cm) long. Cut just below a bud at the base. Then remove the leaves and thorns from the bottom half. You can leave a couple of leaf systems at the top of the cutting if you wish, but I’ve removed mine.
    (4) Insert each cutting so that it is two-thirds buried, making sure that its base is well into the sharp sand. Firm the sand around the base, to exclude as much air as possible. Cuttings should be set about 6in (15cm) apart.
  4. Replace soil into the trench and firm it in place; don’t damage the cuttings as you do this. Keep the cuttings watered throughout summer. By November they should have rooted well and be ready for transplanting.”
    Many of us assume we have done and will do our standard cuttings in this the traditional type of way by digging the trench , dipping cuttings in rooting hormone, sticking them in sand in the trench or a pot and control humidity. Sometimes we have successes and other times failures. Social media has lots of people rooting roses in potatoes. Is this fact or fiction?
    I suspect there is some truth to the potato method because the cutting stay most longer but there are better ways to accomplish that eg. wet newspaper In the hole the cutting is in. This is a method similar to what I use
    Cherry bushes or berries etc can be rooted just as easily using the same methods as roses but it takes over 2 months before they root in my experience. My cherry bushes rooted in about 10-12 weeks the last times I did it years ago. No one roots carmine jewell like that hardly since they sucker profusely the tree has already done it for us. The people who do want to make thousands of plant divisions for acres of cherries. There are amateur growers who root things for the sake of rooting them like I do sometimes.

Which there was an easy solution like this for growing blueberries from cuttings.

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Plant Propagation, ed. Alan Toogood, publ. AHS and DK books.


There are many good books on plant propagation. Here is another book I use that is very inexpensive

Roses have a very short juvenile period 20-30 days unlike pears 6-10 years as seen in the book.


Really? That seems dreadfully short. Can someone who breeds roses chime in and confirm its accuracy please?


@rayrose your by far our most qualified rose expert. Can you help us out with this?

If you’re talking about rooting roses from cuttings, it will depend
greatly on the method you’re using. Roses are rooted during the growing
season. If you’re using a sophisticated misting system inside a greenhouse,
it will usually take at least several weeks, maybe longer. If you’re doing it as a backyard hobbyist, it could take several months. Some varieties are easier to root than others. Roses can also be budded onto root stock, which is a whole different process. The majority of commercially sold roses are propagated onto root stock.
I’ve rooted a number of roses over the years, but always as a back yard hobbyist.


Thanks Ray I appreciate the quick reply. No one I know has as much knowledge about propagating & growing roses as you do.

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May I revive an old thread? @clarkinks curious is your roses rooted in the orginal post? I’m going to try and root some probably end of November. I have to prune them and cover them for winter anyways. I’ll be trying to root them inside over winter though. Any advise would be grateful.


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What i found that works the best is to let the roses root while they are still connected to the original plant. @39thparallel has rooted everything under the sun over winter exactly like the instructions above show. I have had limited success with cuttings. Cherries root very easily by cuttings but autumn olives do not.


That bend a stem down and burying part of it is not really an option. I have the roses in a raised bed, roots under thick landscape fabric covered with mulch. Plus I need to prune back and cover to overwinter. I lost 4 roses last winter, i’m taking precautions to overwinter the new ones since my wife really like them.

I did run across this garden tech how-to. Not in depth by any way shape or form but seems like a pretty good overview. I use clonex so I may look on their site also.

Thanks again for the reply :+1:


I just bush hogged a bunch of autumn olives. They grow like crazy around here. I really like the sound the bush hog makes when it chews up and spits out a autumn olive. What do you do with a autumn olive?


I thought the Fraser Farms videos on rooting roses to be interesting. Here’s links to two of them: (cool weather) (growing season)

I’m looking to try the second one this spring.


i have cultivars of them i got as rooted plugs. 3 yrs. later they’re 10ft. bushes and very productive. didn’t weigh it but i have probably 20-30lbs. frozen right now. doing jams and fruit leather with them this winter.



I love them fresh!

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so do, i as well as my grand daughter.

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@clarkinks Hey I researched rooting rose cuttings. Trying two methods. 1 in water and 1 in sand. So far sand is better for swelling buds. From what I can gather… if a leaf node is burried or submerged, chances of the cutting rotting (turning black or brown) are greatest. So choose a cutting with a long distance inbetween leaf nodes. Also high humidity is required for rooting.

I cut semi hardwood cuttings only. The bottom of the cutting at ~45 degree angle, coated with clonex and treecoat on the top. Sealed up in gallon sized ziplock baggies and place under florescent lighting in my seedling shelf.

Heres my results after 8 days (water on left, sand on right)

OL Weeks (red)

April in Paris (pink)

CL Royal Gold (gold)

Lost the tag (purple)


Forgot to give an update…

I got roots starting to form underwater.